
We are all living monuments of God’s goodness and patience我们都是神恩慈与耐心的活生生的纪念碑

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    We are all living monuments of God’s goodness and patience!

    (Ralph Venning, “The Plague of Plagues!” 1669)

    “The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease – for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning! Great is Your faithfulness!” Lamentations 3:22-23
    “耶和华的慈爱永不止息,因为祂的怜悯永不断绝。每早晨都是新的!祢的信实何其大!”耶利米哀歌 3:22-23

    If sin is so exceedingly sinful – so contrary to, and displeasing to God – then surely . . .
    如果罪如此极其邪恶 – 如此与神相违,令神不悦 – 那么确实. . .

    His patience is exceedingly great,

    His goodness is exceedingly rich, and

    His long-suffering is exceedingly marvelous

    • even such as to cause astonishment!
    • 甚至令人惊叹!

    We are all living monuments of God’s goodness and patience! It is of the Lord’s mercies that all of us are not altogether and utterly consumed – and that in eternal Hell!
    我们都是神的良善和忍耐的活见证!全是因着主的怜悯,我们才没有完全被毁灭 – 没有在永恒的地狱中!

    Such is . . .
    这就是. . .

    the power of His patience,

    the infiniteness of His mercy and compassion,

    and the riches of His unsearchable grace!

    Consider the multitude of sinners in the world. If it were only one or two sinners – then they might be winked at and passed by. But all the world lies in wickedness (1 John 5:19). There is none righteous – no, not one! If there had been only ten righteous ones – then God would have spared Sodom, although ten thousand sinners might be there. Yet there is not a single man to be found who does not sin. All have sinned – and that continually. What grace, then – what patience is this!
    想想世上众多的罪人。如果只有一两个罪人 – 或许还可以视而不见。但全世界都卧在罪恶之中(约翰一书5:19)。没有义人,连一个也没有!如果只有十个义人 – 那么神就会饶恕所多玛,尽管那里可能有上万个罪人。然而找不到一个不犯罪的人。人人都犯了罪 – 而且是持续不断。这是何等的恩典 – 何等的忍耐啊!

    Consider the multitude of sins committed by every sinner. Every sinner commits innumerable sins!

    If all men had sinned only once – it would have mitigated the matter. Sin, however, has grown up with men.

    Not a single good thought is to be found in their hearts! (Genesis 6:5) Sin grows up faster than men do – they are old in sin, when still young in years.

    They are adding iniquity to iniquity, and drawing sin on with cords and ropes, committing it with both hands greedily, as if they could not sin enough!

    They dare God Himself to judge them. They drink down iniquity like water, as if it was their element and nourishment and pleasure also. Yet, behold, how miraculously patient is God!

    God sees sin – He is sensible of it and angered about it – for it grieves and vexes Him. God is able to avenge Himself whenever He pleases – yet He forbears with sinners. Be astonished at it!

    It is a wonder that men are spared so long – especially if we consider how quickly God cast the angels that sinned down to Hell!

    O the wonder of sovereign grace!