
His providences may change, His heart cannot.他的安排可能会改变,但他的心永远不变。

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    His providences may change, His heart cannot.

    “Morning Thoughts” 晨间默想
    作者:奥克塔维亚斯·温斯洛(Octavius Winslow

    “I am the Lord, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already completely destroyed.” Malachi 3:6
    “我是耶和华,我不改变。所以你们雅各的子孙没有灭亡。” 玛拉基书3:6

    The immutability of God forms a stable foundation of comfort for the believing soul. Mutability marks everything outside of God.

    Look . . . into the church, into the world, into our families, into ourselves, what innumerable changes do we see on every hand!

    A week, one short day, what alterations does it produce! Yet, in the midst of it all, to repose calmly on the unchangeableness, the faithfulness of God.

    To know that no alterations of time, no earthly changes, affect His faithfulness to His people. And more than this; no changes in them, no unfaithfulness of theirs, causes the slightest change in God.

    Once a Father, always a Father; once a Friend, always a Friend.

    His providences may change, His heart cannot.

    He is a God of unchangeable love. Peace then, tried believer!

    Are you passing now through the deep waters? Who kept you from sinking when wading through the last? Who brought you through the last fire? Who supported you under the last cross? Who delivered you out of the last temptation?

    Was it not God, your faithful, unchangeable God?

    This God, then, is your God now, and your God forever and ever! And He will be your guide even unto death!