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Of the Nature of Grace, under the Expressions of Taking away the Stony Heart, Giving a Heart of Flesh, and Writing God’s Law in the Heart, with the Counterfeit Thereof.
by Anthony Burgess

God’s Sovereignty and Dominion over the Hearts of Men by Anthony Burgess is a compelling collection of 14 sermons that deeply explores the transformative power of God’s grace.
Drawing from Ezekiel’s profound imagery of the heart of stone being turned into a heart of flesh, Burgess eloquently expounds on the themes of divine sovereignty, the radical nature of true conversion, and the irresistible grace that changes the very core of human beings.
Burgess, a seasoned pastor and theologian, methodically explores the multifaceted dimensions of God’s work in the heart.
Each sermon unpacks a different aspect of this transformation, beginning with the stark reality of the natural human condition—spiritually dead, hardened, and resistant to God.
Through vivid biblical exposition, Burgess describes the stony heart, laden with sin and enmity against God, and contrasts it with the tender, responsive heart of flesh granted by divine intervention.
Central to the series is the emphasis on God’s absolute sovereignty in the process of conversion.
Burgess argues persuasively against Pelagian and Arminian views, underscoring the omnipotent and irresistible nature of God’s grace.
He illustrates how God not only removes the heart of stone but also implants a new, living heart that is eager to follow His statutes and commandments.
This transformation is not merely a superficial change but a profound, inward renewal that affects the entirety of a person’s being.
Here’s the sentence-by-sentence translation, with English followed by Chinese:
Readers will find encouragement in the practical applications Burgess draws from his theological insights.
He addresses the importance of striving for this heart of flesh, recognizing counterfeit conversions, and discerning the genuine work of the Spirit in one’s life.
Each sermon is rich with scriptural references, pastoral wisdom, and a call to deep, personal reflection.
Burgess also deals with the broader implications of a renewed heart, including the ethical and communal aspects of Christian living.
He expounds on how a heart of flesh manifests in righteous living, sincere worship, and equitable relationships with others.
His sermons challenge believers to examine the authenticity of their faith and the fruit it bears in their daily lives.
God’s Sovereignty and Dominion over the Hearts of Men is a treasure trove for anyone seeking to understand the depths of God’s transformative work.
It is both a theological treatise and a devotional guide, designed to stir the hearts of readers towards a deeper love and obedience to God.
Burgess’s profound insights and passionate exhortations make this a timeless resource for personal edification and spiritual growth.
SERMON I. Ezek. 32. 26. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. Displayeth God’s Sovereignty and Dominion over the hearts of men.
讲道一. 以西结书32:26. 我必从你们的肉中除掉石心,赐给你们肉心。展示上帝对人心的主权和统治。
SERMON II. Of the Heart of Stone, and what wickedness that name implies.
讲道二. 论石心及其所暗示的邪恶。
SERMON III. Of God’s making a true Converts heart tender and flexible for every duty: Also, what Heart of flesh implies, with the effects and consequences of it.
讲道三. 论上帝如何使真正归信者的心柔软而灵活,以应对每一项责任:同时,肉心的含义及其效果和后果。
SERMON IV. Holding forth inducements to get this promised Heart of flesh: Also, showing the counterfeit of it.
讲道四. 提出获得这个应许的肉心的动机:同时,展示其伪造品。
SERMON V. Ezek. 36. 27. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and you shall keep my judgments, and do them. Of God’s giving his Spirit to a man, and what that promise implies: Also, of the operations and effects of the spirit of God, where it so comes.
讲道五. 以西结书36:27. 我必把我的灵放在你们里面,使你们顺从我的律例,谨守我的典章,去行。论上帝将他的灵赐给人,以及这一应许的含义:同时,论神灵的运作和效果。
SERMON VI. That the work of Grace is a deep, powerful and inward affecting of the whole man: And how far Grace may be tendered or received, and yet not be put effectually into our inwards: Also, what this inward deep work of Grace is, with the signs and effects of it.
讲道六. 论恩典的工作是对整个人的深刻、有力和内在的影响:以及恩典可能被给予或接受的程度,但却未能有效地渗透到我们内心:同时,论这种内在深刻的恩典工作及其迹象和效果。
SERMON VII. Of the order and method that God takes in our Conversion: First working in us inward principles, and then causing us to walk in his statutes, opposite to the Doctrines of Pelagians, Papists, Arminians, and Moral Philosophy: Also, signs to discover whether our outward duties proceed from Grace within, or from Human respects.
讲道七. 论上帝在我们归信中的次序和方法:首先在我们内心工作原则,然后使我们遵行他的律例,与伯拉纠主义、教皇主义、阿民念主义和道德哲学的教义相对立:同时,论如何辨别我们的外在行为是否源于内心的恩典,或出于人类的考虑。
SERMON VIII. That true principles of Grace within, must needs demonstrate themselves by an outward godly life.
讲道八. 论内心真正的恩典原则必然通过外在的敬虔生活表现出来。
SERMON IX. God’s not only infusing the inward principles of Grace, but also vouchsafing his quickening, actuating, assisting Grace unto his people, enabling them to walk in his statutes, maintained against Pelagians, Arminians and Papists: Also, the happy condition of those who have this latter Grace, as well as the former.
讲道九. 论上帝不仅灌输内心的恩典原则,还赐予他的人民复苏、激活、协助的恩典,使他们能够遵行他的律例,并与伯拉纠主义、阿民念主义和教皇主义相对抗:同时,论那些拥有这种后者恩典的人的幸福状态,以及前者。
SERMON X. Showing that true Converts make godliness their ordinary practice: And what to walk in God’s statutes implies.
讲道十. 论真正的归信者将敬虔作为他们的日常实践:以及遵行上帝的律例的含义。
SERMON XI. That converted persons are very careful and tender of the worship of God, observing that, and only that which he hath commanded.
讲道十一. 论归信者对上帝的敬拜非常谨慎和细心,遵循他所命令的,以及仅仅遵循这一点。
SERMON XII. Of Righteousness and Equity between man and man: And how tender and conscientious a true convert is therein.
讲道十二. 论人与人之间的公义与公平:以及真正的归信者在其中是多么细心和良心。
SERMON XIII. The Hammer of Arminianism, demonstrating, That God converting and changing a sinner, works after an Omnipotent efficacious and irresistible manner, against the Patrons of Freewill, and power of man to supernatural things.
讲道十三. 论阿民念主义的锤子,证明上帝在转换和改变罪人时,以全能、有效和不可抗拒的方式工作,反对自由意志的支持者以及人类对超自然事物的能力。
SERMON XIV. The freeness of God’s grace in conversion, displayed and maintained against Arminians and others.
讲道十四. 论上帝在归信中的恩典的自由,展示并维护对阿民念主义者和其他人的反对。