
《为律法辩护对道德律法和圣约的辩护》Vindiciae Legis A Vindication of the Moral Law and the Covenants -Anthony Burgess

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    by Anthony Burgess

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    Lightly Modernized, Edited & Reformatted

    VINDICIAE LEGIS: A Vindication of the MORAL LAW AND THE COVENANTS, From the Errors of Papists, Arminians, Socinians, and more especially, Antinomians.


    “VINDICIAE LEGIS: A Vindication of the Moral Law and the Covenants” by Anthony Burgess is a thought-provoking and comprehensive exploration of the importance and enduring significance of the Moral Law in the context of the Christian faith.

    In this compelling work, Burgess skillfully argues for the timeless relevance of the Moral Law, countering the misconceptions and errors propagated by various theological factions, particularly the Antinomians.

    The book begins with an insightful examination of the Moral Law and its relationship with the Covenants, shedding light on how the Law operates as a guiding principle for believers.

    Burgess meticulously dissects various interpretations and misinterpretations of the Law prevalent in his time, particularly those propagated by Antinomian thinkers.

    He firmly contends that the Moral Law remains a central and unchanging aspect of the Christian faith, grounded in its perpetual nature, in contrast to the temporary Ceremonial Law.

    Throughout the book, Burgess addresses key theological debates and challenges the notion that the Law is obsolete or irrelevant for believers.

    Drawing from scriptural references and the writings of early Church figures, he upholds the timeless value of the Moral Law in shaping and directing the lives of Christians.

    He also highlights the distinctions between the Moral and Ceremonial Laws, emphasizing their distinct roles in the life of believers.

    Moreover, Burgess meticulously dismantles Antinomian arguments that undermine the Law’s significance and, in turn, diminish the true essence of grace and Christ’s work.

    He passionately defends the Law’s rightful place in guiding believers toward righteousness and the pursuit of holiness, enhancing their understanding of God’s will and plan for their lives.

    Table of Contents

    TO THE Truly pious and esteemed Lady, Lady Ruth Scudamore
    致真诚虔诚且受人尊敬的Ruth Scudamore夫人

    To the Reader

    LECTURE I. Knowing the Law is good, if a man use it lawfully. – 1 Timothy 1:8-9
    第一讲. 人若合法使用律法,律法是好的。- 提摩太前书 1:8-9

    LECTURE II. Misuses of the Law – 1 Timothy 1:8-9
    第二讲. 律法的误用 – 提摩太前书 1:8-9

    LECTURE III. Justification by Grace and Not by Works – 1 Timothy 1:8-9
    第三讲. 因恩典称义而非因行为 – 提摩太前书 1:8-9

    LECTURE IV. Upon what grounds are the people of God to be zealous for good works?
    第四讲. 神的子民热心行善的根据是什么?

    LECTURE V. The Law is Not made for a Righteous Man – 1 Timothy 1:9
    第五讲. 律法不是为义人设立的 – 提摩太前书 1:9

    LECTURE VI. The entire Theology of the Law of God – Romans 2:14-15
    第六讲. 神律法的全部神学 – 罗马书 2:14-15

    LECTURE VII. The Law Written Upon Men’s Hearts
    第七讲. 写在人心上的律法

    LECTURE VIII. The Light of Nature – Romans 2:14
    第八讲. 自然之光 – 罗马书 2:14

    LECTURE IX. The Ability and Power of Nature – Romans 2:14
    第九讲. 自然的能力 – 罗马书 2:14

    LECTURE X. The Heathens Advocate for the Power of Man – Romans 2:14
    第十讲. 异教徒为人的能力辩护 – 罗马书 2:14

    LECTURE XI. The Law God Gave to Adam. – Genesis 2:17
    第十一讲. 神给亚当的律法 – 创世记 2:17

    LECTURE XII. Let us Make Man – Genesis 1:26
    第十二讲. 我们要造人 – 创世记 1:26

    LECTURE XIII. A Covenant that God entered into with Adam and his descendants. GENESIS 2:17
    第十三讲. 神与亚当及其后裔立的约 – 创世记 2:17

    LECTURE XIV. Questions Regarding the State of Innocence
    第十四讲. 关于无罪状态的问题

    LECTURE XV. The Law delivered by God through Moses to the people of Israel. Exodus. 20. 1
    第十五讲. 神通过摩西向以色列人颁布的律法 – 出埃及记 20:1

    LECTURE XVI. Historical Passages Surrounding the Promulgation of the Law. Exodus. 20. 1.
    第十六讲. 颁布律法的历史背景 – 出埃及记 20:1

    An Additional Lecture. Ordained by Angels in the Hand of a Mediator – Galatians 3:19
    附加讲座. 借天使经中保之手设立的 – 加拉太书 3:19

    LECTURE XVII. What is the purpose of discussing the Law as given by Moses? – Exodus 20:1
    第十七讲. 讨论摩西所传律法的目的是什么? – 出埃及记 20:1

    LECTURE XVIII. The Law Delivered by Moses is Belongs to Us as Christians – Matthew 5:21-22
    第十八讲. 摩西所传的律法属于我们基督徒 – 马太福音 5:21-22

    Lecture XIX. Erroneous views of the Law held by Papists, Anabaptists, and Socinians – Matthew 5:21-22
    第十九讲. 天主教徒、再洗礼派和索西尼派对律法的错误观点 – 马太福音 5:21-22

    LECTURE XX. You have heard it said by those of old. – Matthew 5:21, 22
    第二十讲. 你们听见有吩咐古人的话 – 马太福音 5:21, 22

    LECTURE XXI. Objections that the Law can be utilised by God in its preaching to bring about man’s conversion. Romans 3:31
    第二十一讲. 反对意见:神可以利用律法的传讲带来人的归信 – 罗马书 3:31

    LECTURE XXII. Do we then make void the Law? – Romans. 3: 31.
    第二十二讲. 我们因信废了律法吗? – 罗马书 3:31

    LECTURE XXIII. Scripture passages that may appear to suggest that the Moral Law was only in force for a specific period, similar to the ceremonial Law – Romans. 3. 31.
    第二十三讲. 可能暗示道德律法仅在特定时期有效(类似于仪式律法)的经文段落 – 罗马书 3:31

    LECTURE XXIV. The Law as a Covenant – Deuteronomy 4. 13
    第二十四讲. 作为约的律法 – 申命记 4:13

    LECTURE XXV. Where is boasting? – Romans 3:27
    第二十五讲. 夸口在哪里呢? – 罗马书 3:27

    LECTURE XXVI. The True Differences Between Law and Gospel – Romans. 3: 27
    第二十六讲. 律法与福音的真正区别 – 罗马书 3:27

    LECTURE XXVII. Does the Gospel preach repentance or not? Romans. 3: 27
    第二十七讲. 福音是否传讲悔改? – 罗马书 3:27

    LECTURE XXVIII. For those Seeking to Establish their Own Righteousnes. – Romans 10:4
    第二十八讲. 对那些试图建立自己的义的人 – 罗马书 10:4

    LECTURE XXIX. I Did Not Come to Destroy the Law – Matthew 5. 17.
    第二十九讲. 我来不是要废掉律法 – 马太福音 5:17