
The Trial and Triumph of Faith (eBook)信仰的试炼与胜利(电子书)

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    BY SAMUEL RUTHERFORD 由塞缪尔·鲁瑟福德撰写

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    27 篇关于信仰的胜利、耶稣基督的卓越和自由恩典的布道词

    An Exposition of the History of Christ’s dispossessing of the daughter of the woman of Canaan.Delivered in SERMONS; In which are opened,The Victory of Faith; The condition of those that are tempted; The excellency of Jesus Christ and Free-Grace; and Some specially Grounds and Principles of Libertinism and Antinomian Errors, discovered基督驱魔加纳妇人之女的历史阐述。在讲道中传达了信仰的胜利,受试探者的处境,耶稣基督和自由恩典的卓越,以及一些特别的放纵主义和反法定主义错误的基础和原则。

    Lessons from Christ’s Gracious Answers to a Woman Whose Faith Would Not Give Up.

    In twenty-seven eloquent sermons, Rutherford expounds the healing of the daughter of the Canaanite woman (described in Matthew 15 and Mark 7). What he sees in it most of all is the free grace of God: ‘Christ, for this cause especially, left the bosom of God, and was clothed with flesh and our nature, that he might be…a sea and boundless river of visible, living, and breathing grace, swelling up to the highest banks…’ Rutherford would have us observe here ‘a flower planted and watered by Christ’s own hand-a strong faith in a tried woman.’
    卢瑟福德讲解了《马太福音》15 章和《马可福音》7 章中迦南妇人的女儿得医治的故事,用 27 篇慷慨陈辞的布道表达了他的见解。他在这个故事中看到的最重要的是上帝的自由恩典:“特别是,基督离开上帝的怀抱,降世成人,成为一流、无限的宽容和生命之河,向着最高峰汹涌流淌…” 卢瑟福德希望我们在这里观察到“一个孩子由基督的手栽种和浇灌,一个受试炼的女人坚定的信仰。”

    To encourage us to persist in seeking such grace, Rutherford explains both the trial and the triumph of saving faith. 



    SERMON I. 布道 I。

    THE scope, order, and contents of the text, Page 23. Matthew and Mark reconciled, 24. Properties of Christ’s love, 25. What woman this was, 25. The art of the wise contexture of Divine Providence in black and white, fair and foul, mixed in one, for beauty’s sake, 26. Two sides of Providence, 27. We err in looking on God’s ways by halves, especially on the black and sad side only, 28. 
    本文的范围、顺序和内容,第 23 页。马太和马可和解,24. 基督的爱的特性,25. 这是哪个女人,25. 神圣的智慧构造在黑与白、美与丑中的艺术,混合在一起,为了美的缘故,26. 神的安排的两面性,27. 我们在只看神的方式时犯了错误,尤其是只看黑暗和悲伤的一面,28.

    SERMON II. 讲道二。

    Christ took a human will, that he might stoop to God in all things, 29. The strength of corrupt will, 30. Two things in the will: 1. The frame of it—2. The quality and goodness of it—There is a necessity of renewing the will, 30. The dispensation of God, not Scripture, nor a rule of faith, 33. We trust possession of Christ by faith, more than we do right and law, through faith, 33. 
    基督接受了人的意愿,以便在一切事情上屈服于上帝,29. 腐败意愿的力量,30. 意愿中的两个方面:1. 它的结构-2. 它的品质和善良-有必要更新意愿,30. 这是上帝的安排,不是圣经,也不是信仰的规则,33. 我们更相信通过信仰获得基督的拥有权,而不是权利和法律,33.

    SERMON III. 讲道三。

    How Christ and his grace cannot be hid, in six particulars, 34. 1st, In his cause, 34. 2nd, In the good and evil condition spiritual of the soul, 35. 3rd, In the joy of Christ’s presence, 36. 4th, In a sincere profession, 36. 5th, In the bearing down the stirrings of a renewed conscience, 37. 6th, In desertions, 37. We are to be obsequious and yielding to the breathings of the Spirit, 38. Our hearts are to be variously suitable to the various operations of the Spirit, from four reasons, 38. Grace falleth on few, 40. Grace, how rare and choice a piece, in four particulars, 40. Grace not universal and common to all, 41. Nine objections of the Arminian and natural man, Answered, 41. 
    基督和他的恩典无法隐藏,有六个方面,34. 第一,在他的事业中,34. 第二,在灵魂的善恶状态中,35. 第三,在基督的同在中的喜乐,36. 第四,在真诚的宣告中,36. 第五,在压制重生良心的激动中,37. 第六,在离弃中,37. 我们要顺从和顺应圣灵的感动,38. 我们的心要因圣灵的各种运行而适应,有四个原因,38. 恩典只降临在少数人身上,40. 恩典是多么罕见和珍贵的一件事,在四个方面,40. 恩典并非普遍和共同所有的,41. 阿敏派和自然人的九个异议,得到了回答,41.

    SERMON IV. 讲道四。

    Grace falleth often on the most graceless, 44. Grace maketh a great change; three reasons thereof, 44. There is a like reason for grace on our Lord’s part, to the vilest of men, as to Moses, Daniel, Paul, 45. The same free grace that we have here, we have it in heaven in the state of glory, 46. In heaven we reign by grace, as by the same we war here, 46. The justified in Christ are corrected for sin, 47. The furnace of affliction, the work-house of the grace of Christ; four grounds thereof, 47. Mr. Towne’s assertion of grace, 50. How Antinomians judge sins to be corrected in the justified, 48. How Papists judge sins to be punished in the justified, 49. That God punisheth pardoned sins; proved by seven arguments, 50. Rules to be observed in affliction, 55. A land or a nation must be longer in the fire than one particular person, 57. 
    恩典常常降临在最无恩典的人身上,44. 恩典带来了巨大的改变;三个原因,44. 对于我们的主来说,恩典对最卑劣的人和对摩西、但以理、保罗一样,有同样的原因,45. 我们在这里拥有的自由恩典,在天堂的荣耀状态中也同样拥有,46. 在天堂,我们凭借恩典统治,就像我们在这里凭借恩典战斗一样,46. 在基督里被称义的人因罪而受纠正,47. 苦难的炉火,基督恩典的工场;四个原因,47. Towne 先生对恩典的断言,50. Antinomians 如何判断被称义者的罪被纠正,48. Papists 如何判断被称义者的罪被惩罚,49. 上帝惩罚被赦免的罪;七个论证,50. 在苦难中应遵守的规则,55. 一个国家或一个民族在火中的时间比一个个别的人要长,57.

    SERMON V. 布道五。

    Satan worketh as a natural agent without moderation, 58. Spiritual evils chase few men to Christ; three grounds thereof, 59. How men naturally love the devil, 59. Satan, how an unclean spirit, 60. It is true wisdom to know God savingly, 61. What hearing bringeth souls to Christ, 62. Four defects in hearing, 63. Hell coming to our senses in this life, should not cause us believe without effectual grace, 64. It is good to border near to Christ, 65. SERMON VI.

    Crying in prayer necessary, 66. Five grounds thereof, 66. Prayer sometimes wanteth words, so as groaning goeth for prayer, 68. How many other expressions beside vocal praying, go under the lieu of praying in God’s account, 68. Eight objections removed, 68. Some affections greater than tears, 68. Looking up to heaven, praying, 69. Breathing, praying, 70. That wherein the least of prayer consisteth, 70. Broken prayers are prayers, 71. The Lord know-eth nonsense in a broken spirit to be good sense, 72. 

    SERMON VII. 讲道第七篇。

    Why Christ is called frequently the Son of David; not so, the Son of Adam, of Abraham, 73. Christ a King by covenant, 74. What things be in the covenant of grace, 75. The parties of the covenant, 75. Christ hath a sevenfold relation to the covenant. 1st, He is the Covenant itself. 2nd, The Messenger. 3rd, The witness. 4th, The Surety. 5th, The Mediator. 6th, The Testator. 7th, The principal party contractor, 76. Christ the Covenant itself, 76. Christ a Messenger of the Covenant in four particulars, 77. A Witness in four things, 78. A Surety in three, 79. A Mediator in three things. 1st, A Friend. 2nd, A Reconciler. 3rd, A Servant, 80. Christ a servant of God, and our servant, 80. Christ confirmed and sealed the Testament, 81. Christ the principal confederate party, 81. The covenant made with Christ personally, not mystically, proved from Gal. 3:16. The contrary reasons answered, 81. A covenant between the Father and the Son proved, 82. Of the promises of the covenant, 84. Two sorts of promises, 84. Christ took a new covenant-right to God, 85. Five sorts of promises made to Christ, and by proportion to us, 85. 
    为什么基督经常被称为大卫的子孙,而不是亚当的子孙、亚伯拉罕的子孙,73. 基督是契约中的国王,74. 恩典契约中有哪些内容,75. 契约的各方,75. 基督与契约有七重关系。第一,他就是契约本身。第二,是使者。第三,是证人。第四,是担保人。第五,是调解人。第六,是遗嘱人。第七,是主要的合同方,76. 基督就是契约本身,76. 基督是契约的使者,有四个方面,77. 他在四个方面是证人,78. 他在三个方面是担保人,79. 他在三个方面是调解人。第一,是朋友。第二,是调和者。第三,是仆人,80. 基督是上帝的仆人,也是我们的仆人,80. 基督确认并封印了遗嘱,81. 基督是主要的合作方,81. 从加拉太书 3:16 可以证明,契约是与基督个人而不是神秘的结合,81. 证明了父与子之间的契约,82. 关于契约的应许,84. 有两种类型的应许,84. 基督获得了新的与上帝的契约权利,85. 向基督和我们作出了五种类型的应许,85.

    SERMON VIII. 第八篇布道。

    The condition of the covenant, 87. Libertines deny all conditions of the covenant, 87. The new covenant hath conditions to be performed by us, 88. Six objections removed, 87. A twofold dominion of gracious and supernatural acts, 87. We are not justified before we believe, proved by six arguments, 90. A condition taken in a threefold notion, 92. It is not a proper condition by way of strict wage and work, when we are said to be justified, and saved upon condition of faith, 92. 1st, The Freedom; 2nd, Eternity; 3rd, Well-ordering of the covenant,—the three properties thereof, 92. The freedom of the covenant is seen, in regard, 1st, Of persons. 2nd, Of causes. 3rd, Of time. 4th, Of manner of dispensation, 94. Uses of the doctrine of the covenant, 96. 
    圣约的条件,87 条。自由派否认圣约的一切条件,87 条。新圣约有我们要履行的条件,88 条。消除了六个反对意见,87 条。恩典和超自然行为的双重主权,87 条。我们在相信之前不能称义,通过六个论据得到证明,90 条。三重概念中的条件,92 条。当我们被说以信念为条件而被称义并获得拯救时,并非严格意义上的条件,以工作和工资为条件,92 条。第一,自由;第二,永恒;第三,圣约的善序,其三个特性,92 条。圣约的自由在人的角度、原因、时间、施行方式方面都可以看到,94 条。圣约的教义用途,96 条。

    SERMON IX. 讲道九。

    Christ God and man, and our comfort therein, 98. Christ immediate in the act of redeeming us, and so sweeter, 99. Christ incomparable, 99. Four other necessary uses, 99. To believers all temporal favours are spiritualized, and watered with mercy. Four grounds thereof, 103. By what reason our Father, as a father, giveth us spiritual things, by that same he giveth us all things, 104. Mercy originally in Christ, and how, 104. 
    基督是上帝和人,以及我们的慰藉,98. 基督在救赎行为中是即时的,因此更甜美,99. 基督是无与伦比的,99. 其他四种必要用途,99. 对信徒而言,一切世俗的恩惠都被神灵化,以及用慈悲浇灌。其中的四种基础,103. 凭什么原因,我们的父亲,作为父亲,给予我们属灵的东西,同样地,祂给予我们一切,104. 慈悲最初在基督里,并且如何,104.

    SERMON X. 讲道十。

    Parents’ affection, their spiritual duty to children, 107. Thirteen practical rules in observing passages of Divine Providence, 108. 1st, We are neither to lead, nor to stint Providence, 108. 2nd, But to observe God in his ways, and not to look to by-ways of providence, 108. 3rd, Omnipotency not laid down in pawn in any means, 109. 4th, God walketh not in the way that we imagine, 109. 5th, Providence in its concatenation of decrees, actions, events, is one continued contexture, going along from Creation to the day of Christ’s second coming, without one broken thread, 109. 6th, The spirit is to be in an indifferency in all casts of providence, 111. 7th, Low desires best, 111. 8th, We are to lie under providence submissively in all, 111. 9th, Providence is a mystery, 112. 10th, Walketh in uncertainties toward us, 112. 11th, Silence is better than disputing, 112. 12th, It is good to consider both what is inflicted, and who, 112. 13th, God always ascendeth, even when second causes descend, 112. 

    SERMON XI. 第十一篇布道词。

    Every temptation hath its taking power from the seeming goodness in it, 113. Reasons why this was a temptation to the woman, 114. The scope of the temptation to make the tempted believe there is none like him, 115. The non-answering of Christ, is an answering, 115. Five reasons of the Lord’s not hearing of prayer, 116. Seven ways prayers are answered, 117. Praying in faith always heard, even when the particular which we suit in prayer is denied, 117. Faith in one and the same prayer, seeketh and knocketh, and answer-eth, and openeth to itself, 117. The light of saving faith, and the prophetical light of the pen-men of the word of God, differ not in space and nature, 118. The dearest not admitted unto God at the first knock, 119. 
    每种诱惑之力皆源自其中的善意,113. 为何这对女人是一种诱惑的原因,114. 诱惑的目的是使被试探者相信除了他没有其他人,115. 不回答的基督就是一种回答,115. 主不应允祷告的五个原因,116. 七种祷告被应允的方式,117. 信仰中祷告总是被应允,即使祷告中所求的细节被拒绝,117. 同一祈祷中的信仰,寻求,敲门和得到回应,并向自己敞开,117. 救赎信仰的光和上帝话语写作者的先知之光,在本质和特性上并无差异,118. 被拒绝的人并未得到上帝的首次敲门回应,119.

    SERMON XII. 讲道十二。

    Natural men, and even the renewed in spirit, in so far as there remaineth some flesh in them, are ignorant of the mystery of an afflicted spirit, 120. Peace of conscience is a work of creation, 121. A reason why it is so hard to convince the deserted, 12l. Christ sweeter to the deserted than all the world, 122. Difference between God’s trying and the creature’s tempting, in three positions, 123. A creature cannot put a fellow-creature to act sin upon an intention of trying him, 123. In the actions of creatures we must know,  st, Quis; 2nd, Quid; 3rd, Quare. 1st, Who commandeth. 2nd, What. 3rd, And for what end. In God’s actions, it is enough to know, Quis, Who, that it is Jehovah, 125. Four doubts of the tempted, 125. In the sending of “Christ to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” there be three things considerable: 1st, His designation; 2nd, Qualification; 3rd, Commission, 127. The Son most fit to be Mediator, 127. How Christ is qualified, 128. His commission, 129. It is not properly grace that we are born, it is grace that Christ is born, 129. God’s hidden decree, and his revealed will opened, 129. A twofold intention in the promises, 130. How, and who are to believe the decree of reprobation concerning themselves, 131. 
    自然人,甚至是灵性更新的人,只要他们内心还有一些肉体,就对受苦的灵魂的奥秘一无所知,120。良心的平安是创造的工作,121。为什么很难说服被遗弃的人,121。对于被遗弃的人来说,基督比全世界都甜美,122。上帝试验和造物主引诱的区别,有三个观点,123。一个造物主不能让另一个造物主出于试验的意图而犯罪,123。在造物的行动中,我们必须知道:第一,谁命令;第二,是什么;第三,为什么。在上帝的行动中,只需要知道谁,即耶和华,125。受试者的四个疑问,125。在“基督被派遣到以色列家迷失的羊群”中,有三个值得考虑的事情:第一,他的指定;第二,资格;第三,委托,127。儿子最适合成为调解者,127。基督如何具备资格,128。他的委托,129。我们出生并不是真正的恩典,基督的降生才是恩典,129。上帝的隐藏决定和他的启示意愿,129。承诺中的双重意图,130。 如何相信关于自己的否定宣告,以及谁应该相信?(131)

    SERMON XIII. 第十三篇讲道。

    It is a privilege of mercy that Christ is sent to the Jews first, 132. Nine privileges of the Jews, 132. The honour and privileges of Britain, 133. The redeemed called sheep upon four grounds, 134. How passive the redeemed are in the way to heaven, in five particulars, 134. The saints most dependent creatures, 135. How We know the Scripture to be the Word of God; two grounds, one in the subject, another in the object, 136. Fancy leadeth not the saints, but faith, 137. How the Saints need a fresh supply of grace from Christ, though they have a habit and stock of grace within them; proved by six reasons, 137. Grace and glory but one continued thread, 139. Three considerations we are to have of God’s work, in leading us to heaven, 139. Faith is both active and passive, 139. Desertions have real advancing in the way to heaven, in eleven particulars, 139. We are not freed from law directions, 140. Actual condemnation may be, and is separated from the law, 140. Two objections removed, 140. How works of holiness conduce to salvation, three things herein to be distinguished, 141. We are to do good works, both from the principle of law and love, 142. Other three objections removed, 143. Of the letter both of law and gospel; divers errors of libertines touching the point, 143. The Scriptures are not to be condemned, because they profit not without the teaching of the Spirit, proved by three reasons, 145. Repentance different from faith, proved against libertines, 145. Repentance the same in the Old and New Testament, 145. 
    基督首先被派往犹太人那里是怜悯的特权,132。犹太人的九个特权,132。英国的荣誉和特权,133。被救赎的人以四个理由被称为羊,134。在通往天堂的道路上,救赎的人是多么被动,有五个具体方面,134。圣徒是最依赖的生物,135。我们如何知道圣经是上帝的话语;两个理由,一个在主题上,一个在客体上,136。幻想不引导圣徒,而是信仰,137。圣徒如何需要从基督那里得到新的恩典供应,尽管他们内心有一种恩典的习惯和储备;通过六个理由证明,137。恩典和荣耀只是一个连续的线索,139。我们对上帝引领我们走向天堂的工作应该有三个考虑,139。信仰既是主动的又是被动的,139。在通往天堂的道路上,被遗弃是真正的进步,在十一个具体方面,139。我们没有从法律的指导中解脱出来,140。实际的定罪可能与法律分离,140。两个异议被排除,140。圣洁的行为如何有助于救恩,在这方面有三件事需要区分,141。我们要从法律和爱的原则出发做善事,142。其他三个异议被排除,143。 关于律法和福音的信函;自由主义者在这一点上的各种错误,143。经文不应被谴责,因为没有圣灵的教导是无益的,通过三个理由证明,145。悔改与信仰不同,反对自由主义者的证明,145。悔改在旧约和新约中是相同的,145。

    SERMON XIV. 第十四篇讲道。

    In what sense Christ came to save the lost, 147. A twofold preparation for Christ to be considered, 148. Conversion is done by foregoing preparations, and successively proved by four reasons, 149. Sense of poverty fitteth for Christ, 150. The objections of Dr. Crispe removed. Sinners as sinners not fit to receive Christ, 151. How Christ belongeth to sinners under the notion of sinners, 152. How the Spirit acts most in the saints, when they endeavour least, 153. The marrow of libertinism to neglect sanctification, and to wallow in fleshly lusts, 153. Christ’s death maketh us active in duties of holiness, proved from three grounds, 154. How Christ keepeth us from sin, 154. 
    基督以何种方式来拯救迷失的人,147. 考虑基督的双重准备,148. 通过先前的准备来完成转变,并通过四个理由逐步证明,149. 贫穷的感觉适合基督,150. 解决 Crispe 博士的异议。罪人作为罪人不适合接受基督,151. 基督如何属于罪人的概念下,152. 圣灵在圣徒中最有效的行动方式,当他们最努力时,153. 忽视成圣和沉溺于肉欲是放纵主义的精髓,153. 基督的死使我们在圣洁的职责中积极行动,从三个基础上证明,154. 基督如何使我们远离罪恶,154.

    SERMON XV. 讲道十五。

    Eight necessary duties required of a believer under desertion: 1st, Patience. 2nd, Faith, etc., 156. Hope prophesieth glad tidings at midnight, 156. It is a blessed mark, when temptations chase not a soul from duties, illustrated in three cases, 160. It argueth three good things, to go on in duties under a temptation, 162. Antinomians take men off duties, 163. Christ tempted cannot sin; the saints tempted dare not sin, 164. Faith trafficketh with heaven in the saddest storms, 165. 
    SERMON XVI. 第十六篇讲道。

    National sins may occur to the conscience of the child of God, in his approach to God, 166. A subtle humble pride the disease of weak ones, who dare not apply the promises, 168. Sense of free-grace humbleth exceedingly, 169. How far forth conscience of wretchedness hindereth any to come to Christ, 169. Whoever doubteth if God will save him, doubteth also if God can save him, 171. Sin keepeth not the door of Christ to hold out the sinner, 172. Sense of sin, and sense of the grace of Christ, may consist, 173. Holy walking and Christ’s excellency may both be felt by the believer. Holy walking considered, as, 1st, A duty. 2nd, A mean. 3rd, A thing promised in the covenant of grace, 173. How we may collect our state and condition from holy walking, 175. The error of Dr. Crispe and Antinomians herein, 175. Christ a great householder, 176. The privilege of the children of the house, 177. Christ the bread of life, 178. Communion between the children and the first heir, Christ, in five particulars, 177. The spirit of an heir and of a servant, 177. There is a seed of hope and comfort in the hardest desertions of the saints, in three particulars illustrated, 178. 

    SERMON XVII. 第十七篇讲道。

    Grace maketh quickness and wittiness of heavenly reasoning, 180. Faith contradicteth Christ tempting, but humbly and modestly, 181. The saints may dispute their state with Christ, when they dare not dispute their actions, 181. We are to accept, humbly, and with patience, of a wakened conscience, but not to seek a storming conscience, 182. True humility and its way, in seven particulars.—See the place, 182. How we are to esteem every man better than ourselves, 185. The proud man known afar off, 185. Grace’s lowliness in taking notice of sinners, 186. Causes of unthankfulness, 187. A justified soul is to confess sin, proved by three arguments, 188. And to mourn for sin by divers reasons, 190. If we be not to mourn for sin committed, because it is pardoned, neither should our will be averse from the committing of it; because before it be committed, it is also pardoned, as Antinomians teach, 192. Libertines conspire with Papists, in the doctrine of justification, 194. 

    SERMON XVIII. 第十八篇讲道。

    How sins are removed in justification, how not, 195. There remaineth sin formally in the justified, proved by six arguments, 195. How sin dwelleth in us after we are justified, 197. A twofold removal of sin, one moral or legal in justification, another physical in our sanctification, 200. The difference between the removal of sin in justification, and its removal in sanctification, 201. Seven grounds why sin dwelleth still in the justified person, 202. How sins past, present, and to come, are pardoned in justification, 209. There is a twofold consideration of justification, but not two justifications, 209. Sins in three divers respects are taken away, according to Scripture, 210. Christ’s satisfaction performed on the cross for sin, is not formally justification, but only causatively, fundamentally, or meritoriously, 210. There is a change in justification, 211. How sins not committed are remitted, 21l. There is but one justification of a believer, illustrated by a comparison, 213. There is a difference between pardon of sin, the justification of the person, and the repeated sense of the pardon, 214. Justifying faith is some other thing, than the sense of justification, 215. How fear, or hope, or reward of glory has influence in our holy walking, 215. Objections removed, 216. 
    在称义中如何除去罪恶,如何不除去,195。被证明在称义的人中仍然存在罪恶,有六个论据,195。在我们称义之后,罪恶如何在我们中存在,197。罪恶的两种除去方式,一种是在称义中的道德或法律上,另一种是在我们的成圣中的物理上,200。在称义中除去罪恶与在成圣中除去罪恶的区别,201。七个理由说明为什么罪恶仍然存在于被称义的人中,202。在称义中如何赦免过去、现在和将来的罪恶,209。对称义有两种考虑,但没有两种称义,209。根据圣经,罪恶在三个不同的方面被除去,210。基督在十字架上为罪所作的赎罪不是正式的称义,而只是因果、根本或者是有功的,210。在称义中有一个改变,211。如何赦免未犯的罪恶,21l。信徒只有一次称义,通过比较进行说明,213。宽恕罪恶、人的称义和宽恕的重复感之间有区别,214。称义的信仰与称义的感觉是不同的东西,215。 恐惧、希望或荣耀的奖励对我们的圣洁行走有何影响,215. 反对意见被排除,216.
    SERMON XIX. 第十九篇讲道。

    The Lord Jesus is [not] so made the sinner in suffering for sin, as there remaineth no sin in the sinner once pardoned, as Antinomians teach, especially Doctor Crispe, 218. Sin so laid on Christ as that it leaveth not off to be our sin, 220. The guilt of sin, and sin itself, are not one and the same thing, 222. An inherent blot in sin, and the guilt and debt of sin, 222. Two things in debt, as in sin, 223. The blot of sin, two ways considered, 228. A twofold guilt in sin, one intrinsical, and of the fault; another of the punishment, and extrinsical, 225. Reasons why sin, and the guilt of sin cannot be the same, 226. Christ not intrinsically the sinner, 229. Imputation of sin, no imagination, no lie, 230. Reasons proving that Christ was not intrinsically and formally the sinner, 232. What righteousness of Christ is made ours, 235. The believer how righteous, and Christ how not, 235. Christ’s bearing of our sins, by a frequent Hebraism in Scripture, is to bear the punishment due to our sins, and not to bear the intrinsical blot of our sins, 239. How Christ is in our place, 241. How the debtor and the surety be one in law, and not intrinsically one, 243. A perplexed conscience in a good sense is lawfully consistent with a justified sinner’s condition, 245. A conditional fear of eternal wrath required in the justified, but not an absolute fear, and yet trouble of mind for the indwelling of sin is required, 246. 
    主耶稣在为罪受苦时,并非使罪人成为罪人,一旦得到赦免,罪人内心就不再有罪,正如安提法派所教,尤其是克里斯普博士所说的。罪被加在基督身上,但并不意味着它不再是我们的罪。罪的罪责和罪本身并不是同一回事。罪中的固有瑕疵、罪的罪责和债务是两回事。在罪和债务中有两个方面。罪的瑕疵有两种考虑方式。罪中有两种罪责,一种是内在的,与过失有关;另一种是外在的,与惩罚有关。罪和罪的罪责不能是同一回事的原因。基督并非本质上是罪人。罪的归咎不是想象,也不是谎言。有理由证明基督并非本质上和形式上是罪人。基督的义如何成为我们的。信徒如何成为义人,基督如何不是。基督为我们的罪担当,根据圣经中频繁使用的希伯来语法,是指承担我们罪应受的惩罚,而不是承担我们罪的内在瑕疵。基督如何代替我们。债务人和保证人在法律上如何成为一体,而不是本质上成为一体。 在良好的意义上,一颗困惑的良心与一个经理了的罪人的状态是合法一致的,245。被辩护者需要对永恒愤怒的有条件的恐惧,但不是绝对的恐惧,但是对内在罪恶的烦恼是必要的,246。

    SERMON XX. 讲道第二十篇。

    The conscience, in Christ, is freed from sin, that is, from actual condemnation, but not from incurring God’s displeasure by the breach of a law, if the believer sin, 248. I am to believe the remission of these same very sins, which I am to confess with sorrow, 251. How the conscience is freed from condemnation, and yet not from God’s displeasure for sin, 251. Eight cases of conscience resolved from the former doctrine, 251. To be justified is a state of happiness, most desirable, illustrated from the eternity of the debt of sin, 254. The smallest and worst things of Christ are incomparably above the most excellent things on earth, illustrated in six particulars, 257. What must Christ himself be, when the worst things of Christ are so desirable? 261. The excellency of Christ further illustrated, and the foulness of our choice evidenced, 262. How to esteem Christ, illustrated, in four grounds, 263. Degrees of persons younger and older in grace, in our Lord’s house, 265. Christ’s family is a growing family, 267. God bringeth great and heavenly works out of the day of small things, 268. We are to deal tenderly with weak ones, upon six considerations, 271. 

    SERMON XXI. 第二十一篇布道。

    The prevalency of instant prayer put forth upon God in eight acts, 272. Prayer moveth and stirreth all wheels in heaven and earth, 272. Five things concerning faith, 278. There is a preparation going before faith, 278. There is no necessary connection between preparations going before faith, and faith, 279. Affections going before faith, and following after, differ specifically, and not gradually only, 279. All are alike unfit for conversion, 280. Some nearer conversion than others, 281. Three grounds or motives of believing, 28l. Glory, and Christ, the hope of glory, strong motives of believing, 282. Faith’s object the marrow of God’s attributes, to speak so, 283. Faith a catholic grace required in all our actions natural and civil, as well as spiritual, 284. Christianity how an operous work, 285. The six ingredients of faith, 286. Faith turneth all our acts which are terminated on the creature, into half non-acts, 288. Faith hath five notes of difference in closing with the promise, 293. Literal knowledge worketh as a natural agent, 296. Warrant of applying set down in five positions, 299. Eight ingredients of a counterfeit faith, 308. 

    SERMON XXII. 讲道第二十二篇。

    Thirteen works, or ingredients of a strong faith, and how to discern a weak faith, 306. Strong praying a note of strong faith, 306. 2nd, Instant pleading a note also, 307. Strength of grace required in believing, 307. Christ rewardeth grace with grace, 308. How grace beginneth all supernatural acts, 308. There is a promising of bowing and predeterminating grace made to supernatural acts, yet so as God reserveth his own liberty: 1st, How, 2nd, When, 3rd, In what measure he doth co-operate with the believer in these acts, 308. Four reasons why grace in the work of faith must begin, and so begin as we are guilty in not following, 311. Grace is on the saints, and to them, but, glory is on them, but not to them, 312. Grace to an angel necessary to prevent possible sins, 313. 3rd, Note of a strong faith, Not to be broken with temptations, 314. 4th, Faith staying on God without light of comfort a strong faith, 315. The fewer externals that faith needeth, the stronger it is within, 315. Comforts are externals to faith, 317. Some cautions in this, that some believe strongly without the help of comforts, 317. Reasons why divers of God’s children die without comfort, 317. 

    SERMON XXIII. 第二十三篇讲道。

    The more of the word and the less of reason the stronger faith is, 318. 6th, A faith that can forego much for Christ is a strong faith. 320. 7th, It is a strong faith to pray and believe when God seemeth to forbid praying, 321. 8th, Great boldness argueth great faith, 371. 9th, To rejoice in tribulation, 322. 10th, to wait on with long patience, 322. 11th, A humble faith is a strong faith, 324. 12th, a strong desire of a communion with Christ, 324. 13th, Strength of working by love, argueth a strong faith, 325. A great faith is not free of doubtings, 327. Divers sorts of doubting opposite to faith. 327. Some doubting a bad thing in itself, yetper accidens, and in regard of the person, and concomitants, a good sign, and argueth sound grace, 328. Of a weak faith, 329. Negative adherence to Christ not sufficient to saving faith, 329. A suffering faith a strong faith, 331. Faith in regard of intention weak, may be strong in regard of extension, in three relations, 332. The lowest ebb of a fainting faith, 333. What of Christ remaineth in the lowest ebb of a fainting faith, 334. 
    越多的话语,越少的理性,信仰就越坚定,318. 一个能为基督放弃很多的信仰是坚定的信仰,320. 当上帝似乎禁止祈祷时,祈祷并相信是坚定的信仰,321. 大胆表明了伟大的信仰,371. 在苦难中欢喜,322. 长时间的耐心等待,322. 谦卑的信仰是坚定的信仰,324. 对与基督的交流有强烈的渴望,324. 凭借爱心的力量工作,表明了坚定的信仰,325. 伟大的信仰并不排除怀疑,327. 不同种类的怀疑与信仰相对立,327. 有些怀疑本身是不好的,但在某种程度上,从人和伴随因素来看,是一个好的迹象,表明了健全的恩典,328. 关于薄弱的信仰,329. 对基督的否定性依附不足以构成拯救的信仰,329. 忍受的信仰是坚定的信仰,331. 在意图上薄弱的信仰,在范围上可能是坚定的信仰,在三个关系中,332. 衰退的信仰的最低潮,333. 在衰退的信仰的最低潮中,基督的一部分仍然存在,334.

    SERMON XXIV. 讲道第二十四篇。

    A stock of grace is within the saints: our grace is not all, and wholly in Christ though it be all from Christ, 337. The powers of the soul remain whole in conversion, 338. The stock of grace is to be warily kept, 338. Four things are to be done, to keep the stock without a craze, 339. The tenderness of, Christ’s heart, and strength of love toward sinners, 341. Christ strong in moral acts, and strongly moderate in natural acts: the contrary is in natural men, 341. Christ’s motion of tender mercy, as it were natural, 343. How mercy worketh eternally, and secretly, and underground even under a bloody dispensation, 344. Judgment on the two kingdoms except they repent, 345. A rough dispensation consistent with tenderness of love in our Lord, 346. Free love goeth before our redemption, 348. Christ loveth the persons of the elect, but hateth their sins, 348 A twofold love of God, one of good will to the person, another of complacency to his own image in the person, 349. No new love in God, 350. Objections of Mr. Denne the Antinomian answered, 350. What it is to be under the law, 352. How God loveth us before time, and how he now loveth us in time, 354. By faith and conversion our state is truly changed before God, 356. To be justified by faith, is not barely to come to the knowledge that we are justified before we believe, 359. Justification not eternal, 360. Faith is not only given for our joy and consolation; but also for our justification, both in our own soul and before God, 363. There is no warrant in Scripture for two reconciliations; one of man’s reconciliation to God, and another of God’s reconciliation to man, 366. Christ’s merits, no cause, but an effect of God’s eternal love, 366. What reconciliation is, 366. Joy without all sorrow for sin, no fruit of the kingdom of God, 367. The seeing of God, Heb. 12:14, and the kingdom, 1 Cor. 6; John 3:3, not the kingdom of grace, but of glory, 368. All acts of blood and rough dealing in God to his own acts of mercy, 368. 
    圣徒内有恩典的储备:我们的恩典并非全部都在基督里,尽管它全部来自基督,337。灵魂的力量在转变中保持完整,338。恩典的储备需要小心保持,338。为了保持储备不受损坏,需要做四件事,339。基督的心脏的温柔和对罪人的爱的力量,341。基督在道德行为中强大,在自然行为中强烈克制:而自然人则相反,341。基督的怜悯之动,宛如自然,343。怜悯如何在永恒中、秘密地、甚至在血腥的安排下起作用,344。除非他们悔改,否则对两个王国的审判,345。严厉的安排与我们主的爱的温柔一致,346。自由的爱在我们的救赎之前,348。基督爱选民的人,但憎恶他们的罪,348。上帝的爱有两种,一种是对人的善意,另一种是对他自己形象在人中的喜悦,349。上帝没有新的爱,350。回答了安提法的丹恩先生的异议,350。什么是在律法之下,352。上帝如何在时间之前爱我们,以及他如何在时间中爱我们,354。 凭借信仰和转变,我们在上帝面前的状态真正改变了,356。凭借信仰被称义,并不仅仅是在我们相信之前得知我们被称义,359。称义并非永恒,360。信仰不仅仅是为了我们的喜乐和安慰,也是为了我们自己的灵魂和在上帝面前的称义,363。圣经中没有两次和解的依据;一次是人与上帝的和解,另一次是上帝与人的和解,366。基督的功德不是原因,而是上帝永恒的爱的结果,366。何为和解,366。没有对罪的一切悲伤的喜乐,不是上帝国度的果实,367。见到上帝,希伯来书 12:14,和上帝的国度,哥林多前书 6;约翰福音 3:3,不是恩典的国度,而是荣耀的国度,368。上帝对自己的仁慈行为中的所有血腥和粗暴对待,368。

    SERMON XXV. 讲道第二十五篇。

    Omnipotency hath influence, on, 1st, Satan. 2nd, Diseases. 3rd, Stark death. 4th, On life itself. 5th, Mother-nothing. 6th, On all creatures, 371. Obediential power in the creation, what it is, 372. Omnipotency is (as it were) a servant to faith, 374. We worship a dependent God, 375. We have need of the Devil and other temptations for our humiliation. 377. Immediate mercies, are the sweetest mercies; cleared, 1st, In Christ. 2nd, Grace. 3rd, Glory. 4th, Comfort. 5th, The rarest of God’s works, 378. The deceitfulness of our confidence, when God and the creature are joined in one work, 385. 
    全能力对以下事物有影响:第一,撒旦。第二,疾病。第三,死亡。第四,生命本身。第五,母亲-虚无。第六,对所有生物的影响,共 371 个。创造中的顺从权力是什么,共 372 个。全能力(可以说)是信仰的仆人,共 374 个。我们崇拜一个依赖的上帝,共 375 个。我们需要魔鬼和其他诱惑来谦卑我们自己,共 377 个。直接的恩惠是最甜蜜的恩惠;在基督、恩典、荣耀、安慰和上帝的最罕见的作品中得到证明,共 378 个。当上帝和创造物在一项工作中结合时,我们的自信是欺骗性的,共 385 个。

    SERMON XXVI. 讲道第二十六篇。

    Christ in four relations hath dominion over devils, 389. Satan goeth nowhere without a pass, 390. We often sign Satan’s conditional pass, 391. A renewed will is a renewed man, 393. Eight positions concerning the will and affections, 393. A civil will is not a sanctified will, 393. The yielding of the soul to God, and to his light, a special note of a renewed will, 393. Affections sanctified, especially desires, 395. The less mixture in the affections, the stronger are their operations, 395. Mind and affections do reciprocally vitiate one another, 396. Spiritual desires seek natural things, spiritually: Carnal desires seek spiritual things, naturally, 396. God submitteth his liberality of grace, to the measure of a sanctified will, in four considerations, 397. Our affections, in their acts and comprehension, are far below spiritual objects, Christ and heaven, 397. More in Christ and heaven, than our faith can reach in this life, 398. 

    SERMON XXVII. 讲道第二十七篇。

    Satan not cast out of a land or a person, but by violence, both to Satan and the party; amplified in four considerations, 400. False peace known, 402. A roaring and a raging devil, is better than a calm and a sleeping devil, 402. God’s way of hardening, as it is mysterious, so is it silent and invisible, 404. 