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When it lays its head on the pillow of God’s omnipotence!
(J.C. Ryle)
“With God nothing shall be impossible!” Luke 1:37
Let us mark the mighty principle which the angel Gabriel lays down to silence all objections about the incarnation: “With God nothing shall be impossible.”
A hearty reception of this great principle is of immense importance to our own inward peace. Questions and doubts will often arise in men’s minds about many subjects in religion. They are the natural result of our fallen estate of soul. Our faith at the best is very feeble. Our knowledge at its highest is clouded with much infirmity. And among many antidotes to a doubting, anxious, questioning state of mind, few will be found more useful than that before us now – a thorough conviction of God’s omnipotence. With Him who called the world into being and formed it out of nothing – everything is possible. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.
全心接受这个伟大原则对我们内心的平安极其重要。人们的思想中经常会对许多宗教问题产生疑问和怀疑。这些是我们堕落灵魂本性的结果。我们最好的信心也是非常软弱的。我们最高的知识也被许多软弱所蒙蔽。在众多医治怀疑、焦虑、质疑心态的良药中,很少有比现在摆在我们面前的更有用的 – 就是对神全能的完全确信。对那位呼召世界存在并从无造有的主 – 凡事都能。在主没有难成的事。
There is no sin too black and bad to be pardoned. The blood of Christ cleanses from all sin.
There is no heart too hard and wicked to be changed. The heart of stone can be made a heart of flesh.
There is no work too hard for a believer to do. We may do all things through Christ strengthening us.
There is no trial too hard to be borne. The grace of God is sufficient for us.
There is no promise too great to be fulfilled. Christ’s words never pass away – and what He has promised, He is able to perform.
没有太大而不能实现的应许。基督的话永不废去 – 祂所应许的,祂都能成就。
There is no difficulty too great for a believer to overcome. When God is for us – then who can be against us? The mountain shall become a plain!
没有信徒不能胜过的困难。神若帮助我们 – 谁能敌挡我们?大山要变为平地!
Let principles like these be continually before our minds. The angel’s maxim is an invaluable remedy. Faith never rests so calmly and peacefully – as when it lays its head on the pillow of God’s omnipotence!
愿这些原则常在我们心中。天使的箴言是无价的良药。信心从未如此安详平和 – 正如当它将头枕在神全能的枕头上时!