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Although my house be not so with God; yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure: for this is all my salvation, and all my desire, although he make it not to grow. – 2 SAM. 23:5
虽然我的家在神面前并非如此,他却与我立了永远的约,凡事坚固妥当。这是我一切的救恩,一切的心愿,他岂不使这约坚立吗? – 撒母耳记下 23:5
This appears to be the title page and an opening Bible verse for a work by John Flavel. The translation aims to convey the meaning of the original text in Chinese.

THESE are part of David’s last words.
The last words of dying saints, but especially of dying prophets, are ponderous, memorable, and extraordinarily remarkable; and such are these acknowledged to be, by all expositors.
It is a golden sentence, a divine oracle, fit to be the last words of every dying saint, as well as of David.
They are called his last words, not simply and absolutely, as though he breathed them forth with his last breath; (for he spake many things afterwards) but either they are the last he spoke as a prophet, by Divine inspiration, or because he had them often in his mouth, to his last and dying day.
They were his epicedium, his sweet swan-like song, in which his soul found singular refreshment, and strong support, amidst the manifold afflictions of his life, and against the fears of his approaching death.
The whole chapter is designed for a coronis or honourable close of the life of David, and gives us an account both of the worthy expressions that dropped from him, and of the renowned worthies that were employed by him.
But all the heroic atchievements recorded to the honour of their memories, in the following part of the chapter, are trivial and inglorious things, compared with this one divine sentence recorded in my text.
I’ll provide the translation as requested:
Table of Contents
To the Virtuous and Much Honoured Madam, Ursula Upton
The Balm of the Covenant
Observation 1. That God’s covenant people may be exercised with many sharp afflictions
观察1. 上帝立约的子民可能会经历许多严峻的苦难
Observation 2. A declining family is a sore stroke from the hand of God
观察2. 家道中落是来自上帝之手的沉重打击
Observ. 3. That the sure covenant of grace, affords sure relief to all that are within the bonds of it
观察3. 确实的恩典之约为所有在其约束之下的人提供确实的救济
Proposition 1. That the minds of men, yea, the best men, are weak and feeble things under the heavy pressures of affliction, and will reel and sink under them, except they be strongly relieved and under-propped.
命题1. 人的心灵,即使是最优秀的人,在苦难的沉重压力下也是脆弱的,会摇摆和沉沦,除非得到有力的救助和支撑。
Proposition 2. The merciful God, in condescension to the weakness of his people, hath provided the best supports and reliefs for the feeble and afflicted spirits.
命题2. 仁慈的上帝,为体恤他子民的软弱,已为虚弱和受苦的灵魂提供了最好的支持和救济。
Argument I. Whatsoever disarms afflictions of the only sting whereby they wound us, must needs be a complete relief and remedy to the afflicted soul.
论点I. 凡能解除苦难唯一伤害我们的刺的,必定是受苦灵魂的完全救济和良药。
Argument. II. As the covenant of grace disarms all the afflictions of believers of the only sting by which they wound them: so it alters the very nature and property of their afflictions
论点II. 正如恩典之约解除了信徒所有苦难中唯一伤害他们的刺,它也改变了他们苦难的本质和特性
Argument. III. The covenant doth not only alter the nature and property of the saints, afflictions, but it also orderly disposes, and aptly places them in the frame of providence, among the other means and instruments of our salvation
论点III. 圣约不仅改变了圣徒苦难的本质和特性,还有序地安排并恰当地将它们置于上帝护理的框架中,与我们得救的其他方式和工具并列
Argument. IV. As the covenant sorts and ranks all your troubles into their proper classes and places of service, so it secures the special, gracious presence of God with you in the deepest plunges of distress that can befal you
论点IV. 正如圣约将你所有的困扰分类并安排到适当的服务位置,它也确保上帝特别的、恩惠的同在,即使在你可能遭遇的最深重的苦难中
Argument. V. As this covenant assures you of God’s gracious and special presence, so it fully secures all the essentials and substantials of your happiness
论点V. 正如这圣约向你保证上帝恩惠和特别的同在,它也完全保障了你幸福的所有要素和实质
Argument. VI. As God strikes none of the substantial mercies of his covenant people, so when he doth smite their external accidental comforts, the covenant of grace assures them, that even those strokes are the strokes of love, and not wrath
论点VI. 正如上帝不会打击他立约子民的任何实质性怜悯,当他击打他们外在的偶然安慰时,恩典之约向他们保证,即使那些打击也是出于爱,而非愤怒
Argument. VII. Lastly, The covenant doth not only discover the consistence and connection betwixt the love and the rod of God, but it also gives full satisfaction to the saints
论点VII. 最后,圣约不仅揭示了上帝的爱与管教之间的一致性和联系,还给予圣徒们完全的满足
Use I. For information, in three corollaries.
用途I. 用于信息,有三个推论。
Use II. Seeing then that the covenant of God is the great relief and support of all his afflicted people, let the afflicted soul go to this blessed covenant; study and apply it in all distresses.
用途II. 既然上帝的圣约是他所有受苦子民的巨大慰藉和支持,让受苦的灵魂转向这蒙福的圣约;在所有困境中学习并应用它。
Use III. The great question to be decided, is, whether God be our covenant-God, and we his people?
用途III. 需要决定的重大问题是,上帝是否是我们立约的神,我们是否是他的子民?
Use IV. A word of consolation to your dejected and drooping hearts, upon this sad and mournful occasion.
用途IV. 在这悲伤哀痛的场合,对你们沮丧低落的心灵说一句安慰的话。