
The Spiritual Man’s Aim (eBook)属灵人的目标(电子书)

    Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

    BY RICHARD SIBBES 由理查德·西布斯撰写

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    Read Aloud by Mark Dever (MP3)

    It remaineth, brethren, the time is short: let those that have wives be as if they had none; and they that weep, as though they wept not; and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not; and they that buy, as though they possessed not; and they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away.—1 COR. 7:29–31.兄弟们,时间已经不多了:让那些有妻子的人如同没有妻子一样;让那些哭泣的人如同不哭泣一样;让那些欢乐的人如同不欢乐一样;让那些购买的人如同没有拥有一样;让那些使用这个世界的人如同不滥用一样,因为这世界的形态正在消逝。-哥林多前书 7:29-31

    THE blessed apostle, in the former part of this chapter, had given direction in cases of conscience, being a man that had the tongue of the learned to speak a word in season to the weary, Isa. 1:4; whereupon, having in his eye greater matters, as his use is almost in every epistle, he calls them from particular cases, that they should not overmuch trouble themselves about them, but mind the main, ‘The time is short: let those that are married be as if they were not,’ &c. But yet, notwithstanding, 
    这位受福的使徒在本章的前半部分,就良心问题给出了指导,他是一个有学者之口,能够适时地对疲倦者说话的人,以赛亚书 1:4;因此,他在关注更重要的事情时,几乎在每封书信中都会提到,他呼吁他们不要过分为这些个别案例而烦恼,而是要关注主要的事情,“时候已经不多了:那有妻子的,要像没有妻子一样”,等等。然而,尽管如此,

    He gives satisfaction to the particular cases. For as, in travelling, it is not enough to know that a man’s way lies east, or west, or north, or south, but he must know the turnings and windings, the particularities of the way; so in religion it is not enough to know that we must serve God above all, and love our neighbour as ourself, &c. Those generalities atheists will embrace, and in pretence of them shake off all further study of religion. Our knowledge must stand in clearing particular cases also, which, being cleared, the way is smoother to heavenward. Yet, notwithstanding, we must not dwell too much upon particulars, for here you see the apostle calls them off, ‘Finally, my brethren, the time is short;’ it remains that we look, to the main, &c. ‘For the fashion of this world passeth away;’ wherein we considered* two points in general, which I will only name, and hasten to that which followeth. 


    Table of Contents  目录

    Introduction 介绍

    To have in our mind the main

    Religion meddles with all matters.

    ‘Let those that are married be as if they were not.’ 

    ‘Those that weep, as if they wept not.’ 

    ‘Those that rejoice, as if they rejoiced not.’ 

    ‘And they that buy, as though they possessed not.’ 

    ‘And they that use this world, as not abusing it.’ 

    ‘For the fashion of this world passeth away.’ 

    Conclusion 结论