
Material is revised for contemporary readers材料经修订以适应当代读者

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    Material is revised for contemporary readers

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    “Truth never changes. Language does. Many treasures remain unread, often because older language puts off modern readers.” (John Armstrong)

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    John Wycliffe was the first to translate the complete Bible into the English language in the 1380’s.

    Wycliffe wrote, “Christ and His Apostles taught the people in the language best known to them. Therefore, the doctrine should not only be in Latin but in the common tongue. The laity ought to understand the faith and, as the doctrines of our faith are in the Scriptures, believers should have the Scriptures in a language which they fully understand.”

    “I may be exposed to the criticism of a few who would blame me for altering an author’s work, adding to or diminishing from it; but I find all the shelter that I need from such censure, in the remark of J.A. James, ‘The chief value of a book consists in its usefulness.'”
    “我可能会面临一些人的批评,他们会责备我改动作者的作品,增加或删减内容;但我从J.A. James的一句话中找到了足够的庇护,免受这种指责:’一本书的主要价值在于其实用性。'”

    “Bearing this fact in view, I have omitted many expressions, left out whole lines and paragraphs, and in some instances altered words—when satisfied that ‘usefulness’ required such a course.” (J. O. Choules)
    “考虑到这一事实,我省略了许多表达,删除了整行和整段内容,在某些情况下还改动了词语——当我确信’实用性’需要这样做时。”(J. O. Choules)

    Spurgeon had the Thomas Watson’s Body of Divinity “Revised and adapted to modern readers” for use in his pastor’s college.
    Spurgeon将Thomas Watson的《神学体系》(Body of Divinity)”修订并改编以适应现代读者”,用于他的牧师学院。

    George Rogers, principal of college, who carefully superintended the updating, writes: “The style has been modernized, so far as could be done without detracting from its own peculiar characteristics.”
    学院校长George Rogers,他仔细监督了这次更新,写道:”在不损害其独特特征的前提下,文风已经被现代化了。”

    “Long sentences have been divided into two or three, where it could be done without injury to the clearness or force of the signification.”

    “Modern words have been substituted for such as had become obsolete; and divisions of subjects more clearly arranged.”

    “The whole, in fact, has been rendered more readable, and consequently more attractive and intelligible—which in our estimation far outweighs all the supposed advantages that could arise from perpetuating the crudities and vulgarities, as they now appear to us, of former times.”

    “By popularizing ancient works, their readers are multiplied—and their meaning may often be more readily apprehended.”

    Editor’s note: In keeping with the above sentiments—we have updated, revised, re-written and adapted all materials on GraceGems to modern English. We only publish those sections of books, sermons etc. which we deem to be orthodox and of truly gem quality. We have adopted a ‘flowing poetic form’ for most of the quotes, as an aid to reflection and comprehension.


    For the most part, we do not use the archaic and difficult to understand KJV—but the more contemporary translations of the Bible—such as NASB, ESV, NIV, NKJV, HCSB, etc.

    在大多数情况下,我们不使用古老且难以理解的KJV(King James Version,英王钦定本)—而是使用更现代的圣经译本—如NASB(New American Standard Bible,新美国标准圣经)、ESV(English Standard Version,英语标准版)、NIV(New International Version,新国际版)、NKJV(New King James Version,新英王钦定本)、HCSB(Holman Christian Standard Bible,霍尔曼基督教标准圣经)等。

    Please note that materials may have a “scanning error.” If you find any of these errors, would you please notify the editor so that they can be corrected.

