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Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, then to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. – HEB. 11. 25.
他宁可选择和神的子民同受苦难,也不愿暂时享受罪中之乐。- 希伯来书 11:25
In “Moses’ His Choice,” Jeremiah Burroughs delves into the profound decision-making process of Moses, the revered biblical figure.
Having explored Moses’ self-denial and the circumstances that led him to refuse worldly glory, Burroughs now examines the pivotal moment when Moses made his remarkable choice.
Despite the allure of power, prestige, and favor within the Egyptian court, Moses willingly chose to identify himself with the suffering and afflicted people of God.
Aware that this choice would entail sharing in their afflictions, Moses recognized that honoring God in a state of affliction held greater value than indulging in worldly glory.
Within the pages of this thought-provoking book, Burroughs exposes the internal dialogues that Moses might have encountered.
Moses could have reasoned that by retaining his position and influence in the court, he could have been an instrumental advocate for God’s people.
He could have played a crucial role in leveraging his favor with Pharaoh and the nobles to alleviate the plight of his fellow Israelites. The importance of having a sympathetic ally in the court to champion their cause could not be understated.
Moreover, Moses might have contemplated the remarkable sequence of providential events that led him to his current position of honor. From his miraculous rescue as an infant to his upbringing in Pharaoh’s household, Moses witnessed God’s hand guiding every step of his journey.
His elevated education in Egyptian wisdom, the favor bestowed upon him by Pharaoh, and the respect he garnered from the nobles and the court—these were all indications that God had a significant purpose for him within the confines of the Egyptian power structure.
However, Moses’ decision to join the afflicted people of God prevailed over these compelling reasons. Burroughs illuminates the internal struggle within Moses, emphasizing his trust in God’s intentions.
Moses recognized that jeopardizing his standing in the court by provoking Pharaoh’s wrath would indeed be a loss for him personally. But the potential loss for the people of God would be even greater, as their hopes for relief and deliverance would diminish.
Moses understood that alienating Pharaoh could lead to increased oppression and hardship for his fellow Israelites.
In “Moses’ His Choice,” readers are invited to explore the weighty considerations faced by Moses and the profound implications of his ultimate decision.
Burroughs uncovers the timeless principles that emerge from Moses’ story, inspiring readers to reflect on their own choices and priorities in the pursuit of a life that honors God.
Join Jeremiah Burroughs as he navigates the complexities of decision-making, inviting readers to ponder the significance of self-denial, divine providence, and the enduring pursuit of God’s purpose.
“Moses’ His Choice” serves as a compelling guide, challenging readers to embrace the path less traveled and discover the profound blessings that await those who choose to walk in obedience to God’s calling.
Table of Contents – 目录
To the Right Honorable, Robert Earl of Warwick – 献给尊贵的罗伯特·沃里克伯爵
CHAP. I. God will sometimes be honored, rather with the sufferings of men in high Places, then with their services. – 第一章 有时上帝更宁愿藉着高位人士的苦难而非他们的服务获得荣耀。
CHAPTER II. The opening of the words, with the several doctrines in this Text. – 第二章 解释原文,并列出本文的几项教训。
CHAPTER III. God’s people, though dear to God, yet usually have been in an afflicted estate. – 第三章 虽然上帝的子民对祂而言是宝贵的,但通常处于困苦的境遇。
CHAPTER IV. What use we should make of God’s sparing us from the woeful afflictions which have befallen, and do befall others. – 第四章 我们应如何看待上帝使我们免受已临及正临到他人的悲惨苦难。
CHAPTER V. The Reasons of the afflicted estate of God’s people, from the malice of the Devil and wicked men. – 第五章 上帝子民遭受苦难的原因,源于魔鬼和恶人的恶意。
CHAPTER VI. Many Reasons why God orders things in his providence so, as his beloved should be under sore afflictions in this world. – 第六章 上帝在祂的护理中安排祂所爱的人在世上受苦难的许多原因。
CHAPTER VII. What use we should make of God’s ordering his people to an afflicted condition. – 第七章 我们应如何看待上帝使祂子民处于苦难之中。
CHAPTER VIII. Eleven Rules for preparation to suffer afflictions. – 第八章 为受苦难做好准备的十一条规则。
CHAPTER IX. Duties required of us when God calls us to an afflicted condition. – 第九章 当上帝召我们进入苦难时,我们应尽的本分。
CHAPTER X. Wicked men have pleasures in ways of sin, while God’s people endure much hardship in ways of holiness. – 第十章 邪恶的人在罪的道路上享乐,而上帝的子民在圣洁的道路上忍受重重艰辛。
CHAPTER XI: Afflicted godliness, is better than delightful wickedness. – 第十一章 遭受苦难的虔诚,胜过充满喜乐的邪恶。
CHAPTER XII. Who are the truly wise men; with the encouragement to the Saints in the happy choice they have made. – 第十二章 谁是真正的智者;以及对圣徒所作出幸福抉择的鼓励。
CHAPTER XIII. The evil of an ill choice, discovered. – 第十三章 揭示错误选择的邪恶。
CHAPTER XIV. The drawing men’s hearts to a happy choice. – 第十四章 吸引人心向着幸福的选择。
CHAPTER XV. The true pleasantness of all the ways of godliness. – 第十五章 虔诚道路的真正喜乐。
CHAPTER XVI. A spiritual eye can see an excellency in God’s people, though under great affliction. – 第十六章 属灵的眼睛能看到上帝子民在重大苦难中的卓越。
CHAPTER XVII. What we are to learn from that high esteem a gracious heart hath of the Saints in their sorest afflictions. – 第十七章 我们当从一颗有恩典的心对圣徒在最痛苦的境遇中的高度尊重中
CHAPTER XVIII. A gracious heart will appear for the people of God, whatsoever sufferings may follow upon it. – 第十八章 无论会遭受什么苦难,一颗有恩典的心必定站出来为上帝的子民伸张。
CHAPTER XIX. Enjoyment of communion with God’s people, is worth the enduring much affliction. – 第十九章 与上帝子民相交是值得忍受重重苦难的。
CHAPTER XX: Persuasions to draw to the joining with the people of God in the nearest communion. – 第二十章 劝说加入与上帝子民最亲密的团契。
CHAPTER XXI. Objections against joining with God’s people, answered. – 第二十一章 回答反对加入上帝子民的异议。
CHAPTER XXII. Instructions to those who are joined in communion with God’s people. – 第二十二章 给予已加入上帝子民团契者的教导。
CHAPTER XXIII: How should God’s people so walk, as to draw others in love with their communion. – 第二十三章 上帝的子民应如何行事,以吸引他人爱慕他们的团契。
CHAPTER XXIV. We should satisfy ourselves in communion with the Saints, and improve it to the utmost advantage we can. – 第二十四章 我们应在与圣徒的团契中满足,并尽最大努力从中获益。
CHAPTER XXV. Whatsoever is but for a season, cannot satisfy a gracious heart. – 第二十五章 无论什么只是短暂的,都无法使一颗有恩典的心满足。
CHAPTER XXVI. Persuasions to take off the heart from temporal things. – 第二十六章 劝说人心远离世俗之事。
CHAPTER XXVII. Exhortation to seek after eternal things. – 第二十七章 劝勉追求永恒的事物。
CHAPTER XXVIII. How we should know how it will be with us for eternity, and what we should do that it may be well with us eternally. – 第二十八章 我们如何知道自己将来的永恒境遇,以及我们应做什么才能永远蒙福。
CHAPTER XXIX. The Review of Moses Choice. – 第二十九章 回顾摩西的抉择。
CHAPTER XXX. The condition of God’s people is a reproached condition. – 第三十章 上帝子民所处的是受羞辱的境遇。
CHAPTER XXXI. What use there is to be made of the reproaches the condition of God’s people is liable to. – 第三十一章 我们应如何看待上帝子民所受的羞辱。
CHAPTER XXXII. How we are to bear Reproaches. – 第三十二章 我们应如何忍受羞辱。
CHAPTER XXXIII. What we should do, that we may be able to bear reproach. – 第三十三章 我们应做什么才能忍受羞辱。
CHAPTER XXXIV. The reproaches of God’s people are the reproaches of Christ. – 第三十四章 对上帝子民的羞辱就是对基督的羞辱。
CHAPTER XXXV. Sixteen several Consolations arising to the Saints from this consideration, That their sufferings are Christ’s sufferings. – 第三十五章 基于这一考虑即圣徒所受的苦难就是基督的苦难,衍生出十六种不同的安慰。
CHAPTER XXXVI. The dreadful evil there is in reproaching the Saints. – 第三十六章 羞辱圣徒存在可怕的罪恶。
CHAPTER XXXVII. Seeing Christ makes our sufferings his, we should make his sufferings ours. – 第三十七章 既然基督将我们的苦难视为自己的,我们也应将他的苦难视为自己的。
CHAPTER XXXVIII. A gracious heart hath a high esteem of reproaches in the cause of Christ. – 第三十八章 一颗有恩典的心对为基督的缘故所受的羞辱给予高度的尊重。
CHAPTER XXXIX. There is glorious reward for the people of God. – 第三十九章 上帝的子民将获得荣耀的赏赐。
CHAPTER XL. How far we may aim at the recompense of reward in what we do. – 第四十章 我们在所行的事上可以追求赏赐到何种程度。
CHAPTER XLI. What is this recompense of reward. – 第四十一章 这赏赐是什么。
CHAPTER XLII. The differences between that good we receive here from God, and that we shall have hereafter. – 第四十二章 我们现在从上帝那里所得的好处与将来所得的好处之间的区别。
CHAPTER XLIII. The perfection of the bodies and souls of the Saints in glory. – 第四十三章 圣徒在荣耀中身体和灵魂的完全。
CHAPTER XLIV. The glory that shall be put upon the Saints at the Great Day. – 第四十四章 在大日子圣徒所要得的荣耀。
CHAPTER XLV. The Saints enjoyment of God to be their portion, their happiness in having his presence. – 第四十五章 圣徒享有上帝作为自己的分,因有祂同在而获得喜乐。
CHAPTER XLVI. The happiness of the beatifical vision discovered. – 第四十六章 揭示极乐景象的喜乐。
CHAPTER XLVII. The blessedness of Union with God. – 第四十七章 与上帝联合的福分。
CHAPTER XLVIII. The blessedness of communion with God. – 第四十八章 与上帝相交的福分。
CHAPTER XLIX. The happiness of the Saints in their fruition of God, and their perfect rest in him. – 第四十九章 圣徒在享受上帝时的喜乐,以及在祂里面完全的安息。
CHAPTER L. The Saints happiness in Communion with Christ. – 第五十章 圣徒与基督相交的喜乐。
CHAPTER LI. The happiness of enjoying communion with the Saints in glory. – 第五十一章 在荣耀中与圣徒相交的喜乐。
CHAPTER LII. The happiness of God’s people in the Perpetual Sabbath that they shall enjoy. – 第五十二章 上帝子民将享有永恒安息日的喜乐。
CHAPTER LIII. Wherein the power and efficacy of eying the recompense of reward consists. – 第五十三章 注目赏赐的能力和效力所在。
CHAPTER LIV. God’s people to be highly honored. – 第五十四章 上帝的子民将受高度的尊荣。
CHAPTER LV: To whom the Recompence of reward appertains. – 第五十五章 赏赐属于谁。
CHAPTER LVI. Christians should live and die as becomes heirs of such a glorious estate. – 第五十六章 基督徒应如继承这般荣耀产业者一般活着、死去。
CHAPTER LVII. The great things of eternity to be much sought after. – 第五十七章 当切切追求永
CHAPTER LVII. The great things of eternity to be much sought after.
第五十七章 当切切追求永恒的大事。
CHAPTER LVIII. How the Recompence of Reward may be attained.
第五十八章 如何获得赏赐。