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So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God, for your patience and faith in all the persecutions and tribulations which ye endure.—2 THES. 1:4.
WE still stick in the preface and introduction into this epistle, where in the apostle signifieth his singular love to the Thessalonians, manifested in two effects—first, that he had given thanks to God for them, ver. 3; secondly, gloried of them among other christians, in the text.
So that in the words observe—(1.) The form and manner of the commendation; (2.) The matter of it.
因此在这段话中要注意——(1.) 称赞的形式和方式;(2.) 称赞的内容。
First, In the manner—
- The person commending, ‘We ourselves.’ In the former epistle he speaketh of their faith as praised by others: 1 Thes. 1:8, ‘In every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad, so that we need not to speak anything.’
- 称赞的人是”我们自己”。在前一封书信中他提到他们的信心受到他人的称赞:帖前1:8,”你们向神的信心不但在马其顿和亚该亚,就是在各处也都传开了,所以不用我们说什么。”
Now he justifieth the common fame by his own testimony; he himself approved their constancy. (1.) Laudavi a laudato. It is easy to deceive the credulous multitude, but to deserve esteem of those who are best able to judge is a comfort to us.
现在他用自己的见证证实了这普遍的声誉;他本人认可他们的坚定。(1.) Laudavi a laudato(受到有声望者的赞扬)。欺骗轻信的群众很容易,但能得到最有判断力之人的尊重,这对我们是一种安慰。
(2.) The fame of their receiving the faith was spread by others, but when they were in a confirmed estate of grace, Paul himself ventureth to give them his word and testimony, ‘We ourselves,’ &c. Where grace is eminent and notorious, it may be praised without suspicion of flattery.
(2.) 他们接受信仰的声名是由他人传播的,但当他们处于一个确立的恩典状态时,保罗自己冒险给予他们他的话语和见证,”我们自己”等。当恩典显著和众所周知时,称赞就不会被怀疑是奉承。
(3.) To keep up the value of our testimony, that it may add weight and credit to those that receive it. There was much in this, ‘We ourselves.’
(3.) 要保持我们见证的价值,使它能为接受见证的人增添分量和可信度。”我们自己”这个说法包含很多意义。
- The act of praising, ‘We glory in you,’ καυχῶμεν. Glorying imports—(1.) Exultation or rejoicing of mind; (2.) The outward expression of it, by word of mouth or speech.
- 赞美的行为,”我们以你为荣”,καυχῶμεν(夸耀)。夸耀包含:(1.) 内心的欢欣或喜悦;(2.) 用言语或speech表达出来的外在表现。
The one cometh from the apprehension of some excellency, good, or the other from a desire that others may know how we are affected with it.
But did this glorying become apostolical gravity? Yes; for—(1.) It was for the honour of God; for before he speaketh of the praising of them, he speaketh of his giving thanks to God, from whom they received these gifts and graces.
但这种夸耀符合使徒的庄重吗?是的,因为:(1.) 这是为了荣耀上帝;因为在他称赞他们之前,他先感谢上帝,因为这些恩赐和恩典都是从上帝而来。
He doth not challenge the glory as due to himself and his labours, but ascribeth all to God.
(2.) For the encouragement of the Thessalonians. We ought to give a testimony to others that deserve it, not to curry favour with them, but to encourage them to perseverance in the way of God.
(2.) 为了鼓励帖撒罗尼迦人。我们应当为配得的人作见证,不是为了讨好他们,而是为了鼓励他们在上帝的道路上坚持。
(3.) For the example of others and the edification of the church; for he propounded them as a pattern of imitation.
(3.) 为了作他人的榜样并造就教会;因为他将他们树立为效法的榜样。
(4.) For his own comfort; he gloried in them as the seal and fruit of his ministry: 1 Thes. 2:20, ‘For our joy and glory are ye in the Lord.’
(4.) 为了他自己的安慰;他以他们为他事工的印证和果实而夸耀:帖撒罗尼迦前书2:20,”因为你们就是我们在主里的喜乐和荣耀。”
For these reasons, when the work did first speak for itself, did Paul add his testimony.
- The persons before whom, ‘In the churches of God.’ Not in profane assemblies or common meetings, but where the people of God were met together to worship God and receive spiritual benefit.
- 在谁面前,”在上帝的众教会中。”不是在世俗的聚会或普通的会议中,而是在上帝的子民聚集敬拜上帝并领受属灵益处的地方。
They are called ‘churches of God’—(1.) Because God instituted and founded them: Acts 20:28, ‘Feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.’
它们被称为”上帝的众教会”—(1.) 因为是上帝设立并建立了它们:使徒行传20:28,”务要牧养上帝的教会,就是他用自己的血所买来的。”
(2.) There God is worshipped and acknowledged: Ps. 22:3, ‘He inhabiteth the praises of Israel.’
(2.) 在那里上帝受敬拜和承认:诗篇22:3,”但你是圣洁的,是用以色列的赞美为宝座的。”
(3.) There he manifests his power and presence: Eph. 2:22, ‘Built up to be an habitation of God through the Spirit.’
(3.) 在那里他彰显他的能力和同在:以弗所书2:22,”被建造成为上帝藉着圣灵居住的所在。”
Table of Contents
Sermon I. “So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God, for your patience and faith in all the persecutions and tribulations which ye endure,”
Sermon II. “Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer,”
Sermon III. “Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; and to you that are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,”
Sermon IV. “Seeing it is a righteous thing with God,” &c.,
Sermon V. “When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,”
Sermon VI. “In flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,”
Sermon VII. “Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power,”
Sermon VIII. “When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day,”
Sermon IX. “When he shall come to be glorified,” &c.,
Sermon X. “Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power,”
Sermon XI. “Wherefore also we pray always,” &c.,
Sermon XII. “Wherefore also we pray always,” &c.,
Sermon XIII. “Wherefore also we pray always,” &c.,
Sermon XIV. “That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ,”
Sermon XV. “That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” &c.,
Sermon XVI. “That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” &c.,