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by Samuel Rutherford
塞缪尔·卢瑟福 著
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SAMUEL RUTHERFORD’S “Letters” are known in the churches everywhere; and here are notes of his preaching.
These sermons, as quaint as his “Letters” in some respects, have never till now appeared in print.
They form part of a manuscript volume in which are included other sermons of the same author that have already been published.
They are carefully and neatly written in the old style of handwriting.
Who it was who took down the notes of these sermons at the time, and who it was that gathered all together into the volume, we do not know.
One thing is certain, viz., he was a most attentive hearer and a faithful attender on the minister’s preaching; for at p. 232 he notes that he had the misfortune to miss one sermon in the course by absence.
It is something of a guarantee for the authenticity of the whole to find, as we do on a close examination, that the first half of the MS. collection contains the discourses that have already been published, but in a much more archaic spelling, and with Scotch words that must have been modernised in the printed copies.
Besides, the character of the somewhat peculiar penmanship suggests that it is quite possible the writer was a cotemporary of Rutherford, and not a mere transcriber of original notes.
This MS. volume of which we speak has been a sort of heirloom in the family of one who knew its value, viz., the Rev. David Russell, for fifty-seven years an earnest minister of Christ, first in Hawick and then at Errol, in Perthshire, in connection with the “Relief” and “United Presbyterian” Church.
我们所说的这本手稿卷一直是一位知晓其价值的人的家族传家宝,即大卫·拉塞尔牧师(Rev. David Russell)。他在”救济”(Relief)和”联合长老会”(United Presbyterian)教会中担任基督的热心牧师长达五十七年,先是在哈威克(Hawick),然后在珀斯郡(Perthshire)的埃罗尔(Errol)。
About six years ago his son, James Eccles Russell, Esq., London, was led to tell me of the manuscript volume, and to let me examine it.
大约六年前,他的儿子、伦敦的詹姆斯·埃克尔斯·拉塞尔先生(James Eccles Russell, Esq.)向我提及这本手稿卷,并让我对其进行了检查。
Other friends also became interested in it, and the result was that Mr. Russell kindly agreed, at the suggestion of these friends, that the portion of it which as yet had not appeared in print should be published.
A greatly esteemed brother in the ministry, Mr. J. H. Thomson, of the Free Church, Hightae, skilled above many in deciphering such documents, and in fullest sympathy with the spirit of the author, was not loath to spend time and labour in preparing the work for the press.
一位在事工中备受尊敬的弟兄,来自海泰(Hightae)自由教会(Free Church)的J. H. 汤姆森先生(Mr. J. H. Thomson),在解读此类文献方面技艺高超,并与作者的精神有着最深切的共鸣,他毫不吝惜时间和精力为这部作品的出版做准备。
The Discourses are throughout characteristic of the man. Try, for example, the lecture on John 20:1–9.
Christian reader, you may glean many a sheaf of the finest of the wheat in these fields.
Samuel Rutherford never fails to set Christ on high, for truly he had—
塞缪尔·卢瑟福(Samuel Rutherford)从不失败地将基督置于至高无上的地位,因为他确实有—
“A thirst no earthly stream could satisfy—
A hunger that must feed on Christ, or die.”
安德鲁·A·博纳尔(ANDREW A. BONAR),神学博士
GLASGOW, April, 1885.
IN transcribing the sermons from the manuscript volume, a faithful reproduction has been the great aim.
The proof sheets have also been carefully compared with the manuscript volume.
In transcribing, it has not been thought necessary to reproduce the original spelling, which is plainly that of the first half of the seventeenth century, such as “behooved” for “behoved,” “bot” for “but,” “considder” for “consider,” “heir” for “here,” “lyke” for “like,” “noblie” for “nobly,” “sall” for “shall,” “sould” for “should,” “sweit” for “sweet,” “whilk” for “which,” “wold” for “would,” &c.; but the Scotch, or Northern English words, amounting to about 400, have been carefully retained.
Notes explanatory of their meaning are printed at the foot of each page.
Perhaps the most remarkable feature about the following sermons is the apparent correctness with which they have been taken down from the lips of Rutherford. The proper names, and the one or two Latin phrases that occur, are always correctly given, so that their writer must have been an educated man, and, from the skill with which he has caught the line of thought, in full sympathy with the preacher. There is no sign of abridgment throughout their pages. The student of Rutherford’s letters and his other works will recognize in them a full transcript of what he must have said.
Dr. Bonar has kindly read my transcription, sheet by sheet, as it was made, and he has again read the proofs with me. Our common aim has been to reproduce the sermons in a form that will not in any way do discredit to their author, Samuel Rutherford.
J. H. T.
J. H. T.
Table of Contents
I “Fear not, thou worm Jacob.” (No. 1.)—ISA. 41:14–16
I “不要害怕,你这虫雅各。”(第1篇)——以赛亚书41:14-16
II “Fear not, thou worm Jacob.” (No. 2.)—ISA. 41:14–16
II “不要害怕,你这虫雅各。”(第2篇)——以赛亚书41:14-16
III A Charge to the Lord’s Prophet.—HOSEA 8:1–3
III 对主的先知的嘱咐。——何西阿书8:1-3
IV The Weeping Mary at the Sepulchre.—JOHN 20:9–13
IV 在坟墓前哭泣的马利亚。——约翰福音20:9-13
V The Spouse’s Longing for Christ.—SONG OF SOLOMON 5:3–6
V 新妇对基督的渴慕。——雅歌5:3-6
VI The Church Seeking her Lord.—SONG OF SOLOMON 5:7–10
VI 教会寻求她的主。——雅歌5:7-10
VII The Deliverance of the Kirk of God.—JER. 50:4, 5
VII 上帝教会的拯救。——耶利米书50:4, 5
VIII The Kirk’s Holy Resolution.—JER. 50:4, 5
VIII 教会的神圣决心。——耶利米书50:4, 5
IX The Forlorn Son.—LUKE 15:11–12
IX 浪子。——路加福音15:11-12
X The Forlorn Son seeks away from his Father.—LUKE 15:11–13
X 浪子离开他的父亲。——路加福音15:11-13
XI The Forlorn Son—The Grounds why he came Home, and his Prayer.—LUKE 15:14–19
XI 浪子——他回家的原因,以及他的祷告。——路加福音15:14-19
XII The Forlorn Son—The Father’s Welcome.—LUKE 15:20–1
XII 浪子——父亲的欢迎。——路加福音15:20-1
XIII The Forlorn Son—The Father’s Expressed Welcome.—LUKE 15:22–23
XIII 浪子——父亲表达的欢迎。——路加福音15:22-23
XIV The Forlorn Son—He was Lost and is Found.—LUKE 15:24–28
XIV 浪子——他曾失丧,现在被寻回。——路加福音15:24-28
XV The Forlorn Son.—LUKE 15:29–32
XV 浪子。——路加福音15:29-32
XVI The Worth and Excellence of the Gospel.—2 COR. 10:4–5
XVI 福音的价值和卓越。——哥林多后书10:4-5
XVII The Apostle’s Choice. (No. 1.)—PHIL. 3:7–8
XVII 使徒的选择。(第1篇)——腓立比书3:7-8
XVIII The Apostle’s Choice. (No. 2.)—PHIL. 3:8
XVIII 使徒的选择。(第2篇)——腓立比书3:8