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“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” John 14:1不要让你们的心烦乱。相信上帝,也要相信我。约翰福音 14:1
TWO SERMONS Upon the first words of Christs last Sermon, JOHN 14:1. Being also the last Sermons of RICHARD SIBBS D.D. Preached to the honourable society of Grayes Inne, June 21. and 28. 1635. Who the next Lords day following, died, and rested from all his labours. 2 Sam. 23:1. These are the last words of the sweet singer of Israel.
基督最后一篇讲道的开头,约翰福音 14:1。这也是理查德·西布斯博士的最后一篇讲道,于 1635 年 6 月 21 日和 28 日在格雷斯·因内尊贵社团中传讲。他在随后的主日去世,休息免于一切劳苦。撒母耳记下 23:1。这是以色列甜美歌手的最后话语。
HOLY men, as they be ‘trees of righteousness,’ Isa. 61:3, and desire to be fruitful at all times, so most especially towards their end; having but a short time to live in the world, they be willing to leave the world with a good savour. So it was with Jacob. So with Moses, as appears in his excellent Song made before his death. You may see it in King Solomon and David before their deaths. But especially in our Saviour. The nearer to heaven, the more heavenly-minded. When grace and glory are ready to join, the one to be swallowed up of the other, then grace is most glorious. All the passages of Christ are comfortable; but none more comfortable than those sermons of his, that were delivered a little before his death. Of all words that come from loving men to those they love, such are most remarkable as be spoken when they be ready to die; because then men are most serious, they being about the most serious business. Then they be wisest, and best able to judge; for the consideration of their end makes, them wise. And therefore, saith God, ‘O that my people were wise to consider their latter end!’ Deut. 32:29. And, ‘teach me to number my days, that I may apply my heart to wisdom,’ saith Moses, Ps. 90:12. And indeed there is no wisdom to that; for it teacheth men to pass a right judgment upon all things in the world. They be no longer drunk with the prosperity of the world; they be no longer swayed with opinion, but they pass an estimation of things as they are.
圣洁的人,如同“公义的树木”(以赛亚书 61:3),他们渴望在任何时候都能结出果实,尤其是在生命的尽头;因为他们在世间的时间有限,他们愿意以良好的香气离开世界。雅各布就是这样。摩西也是如此,正如他在临终前所作的卓越之歌所显示的那样。你可以在所罗门王和大卫临终前看到这一点。但尤其是在我们的救主身上。离天堂越近,心思就越属天。当恩典和荣耀准备合而为一,一个被另一个吞噬时,恩典就最为荣耀。基督的一切言论都是令人安慰的;但没有比那些在他临终前传讲的讲道更令人安慰的了。从爱人对所爱之人说出的所有话中,那些在他们临终时说出的话最为引人注目;因为那时人们最为认真,他们正从事最为认真的事务。那时他们最为聪明,最能判断;因为对自己的结局的思考使他们变得聪明。因此,上帝说:“巴不得他们有智慧,明白这事,思念他们的结局!”(申命记 32:29) 并且,摩西在诗篇 90:12 中说:“求你教导我们怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心。”实际上,这并不是智慧;因为它教导人们对世界上的一切事物做出正确的判断。他们不再被世界的繁荣所迷惑;他们不再受意见的左右,而是按照事物的本质进行评估。
Table of Contents 目录
Sibbes’ Prayer 西布斯的祷告
Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled – The First Sermon on John 14:1
不要让你们的心烦乱-约翰福音 14:1 的第一篇讲道
Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled – The Second Sermon on John 14:1
不要让你们的心烦乱-约翰福音 14:1 的第二篇讲道