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And, without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up to glory.—1 TIM. 3:16.而且,毫无争议,神秘的敬虔是伟大的:神显现在肉身中,被圣灵证明为公义,被天使所见,向外邦人传讲,世人相信,被接到荣耀中。- 提摩太前书 3:16
THERE are two things that God values more than all the world besides—the church and the truth. The church, that is the ‘pillar and ground of truth,’ as it is in the former verse. The truth of religion, that is the seed of the church. Now the blessed apostle St Paul being to furnish his scholar Timothy to the ministerial office, he doth it from two grounds especially: from the dignity of the church, which he was to instruct and converse in; and from the excellency of the mysteries of the gospel, that excellent soul-saving truth. Hereupon he doth seriously exhort Timothy to take heed how he conversed in the church of God, in teaching the truth of God. The church of God, it is ‘the house of God,’ a company of people that God cares for more than for all mankind besides, for whom the world stands, for whom all things are. ‘It is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth.’ And for the truth of God, that must be taught in this church, that is so excellent a thing, that we see the blessed apostle here useth great words, high styles, lofty expressions concerning it. As the matter is high and great, so the holy apostle hath expressions suitable; a full heart breeds full expressions. As no man went beyond St Paul, in the deep conceit of his own unworthiness and of his state by nature, so there was no man reached higher in large and rich thoughts and expressions of the excellency of Christ, and the good things we have by him; as we see here, setting forth the excellency of the ministerial calling, being to deal with God’s truth towards God’s people, he sets forth evangelical truth gloriously here. ‘Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God manifested in the flesh,’ &c.
上帝比世界上的一切更看重两件事情——教会和真理。教会是“真理的根基和栋梁”,正如前一节所说。宗教的真理是教会的种子。现在,保罗使徒要为他的学生提摩太准备传道的职责,他主要从两个方面来做:一是从他将要教导和交往的教会的尊贵性,二是从福音的奥秘的卓越性,这是一种卓越的拯救灵魂的真理。因此,他严肃地劝告提摩太要小心在上帝的教会中的行为,要教导上帝的真理。上帝的教会是“上帝的家”,是上帝比其他所有人更关心的一群人,为了他们,世界存在,一切事物都是为了他们。“它是活神的教会,是真理的根基和栋梁。”至于在这个教会中必须教导的上帝的真理,它是如此卓越的一件事情,我们看到保罗使徒在这里使用了很大的词语、高尚的风格、高峰的表达来描述它。 事情的重要性和伟大性,使得圣使徒使用了适当的表达方式;内心充实会产生充实的表达。在自己的卑微和本性状态的深刻理解方面,没有人能超越圣保罗,同样地,在对基督的卓越性和我们通过他所拥有的美好事物的广泛和丰富的思想和表达方面,也没有人能达到更高的境界;正如我们在这里所看到的,他在这里辉煌地阐述了传道的卓越性,即与上帝的子民打交道的事工,他在这里壮丽地阐述了福音真理。“无可争辩,虔诚的奥秘是伟大的:神在肉身中显现”,等等。
Table of Contents 目录
Introduction 介绍
Godliness 虔诚
A Mystery 一个谜
Great Mystery 伟大的神秘
Without Controversy 毫无争议
God Manifested in the Flesh
Justified in the Spirit 在圣灵中被证明
Seen of Angels 天使的景象
Preached to the Gentiles 向外邦人传道
Believed on in the World
Received up to Glory 接收到荣耀