
A Fountain Sealed: The Work of the Spirit in Sealing (eBook)一个封闭的喷泉:圣灵在封印中的工作(电子书)

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    BY RICHARD SIBBES 由理查德·西布斯撰写


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    And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom we are sealed until the day of redemption.—EPH. 4:30.不要使神的圣灵忧伤,你们是借着祂被印记,直到救赎的日子。- 以弗所书 4:30

    Whether these words are a command issuing from authority, or counsel from wisdom, or a warning from God’s care for our souls, it is not significant, considering that both counsel and warnings from the great God possess the force of a command, accompanied by a touch of love’s sweetness. The apostle, in his customary manner, moves from a specific dissuasion against corrupt speech in the preceding verse to this general advice of not grieving the Spirit of God through sin, particularly when acting against an enlightened conscience. This dissuasion from evil is reinforced by the dangerous consequence of grieving the Spirit of God, and the danger arises from the fact that it is the Spirit of God and God Himself whom we grieve—a holy Spirit: holy in His own nature, and holy as the source of all holiness within us. He, after working holiness in us, seals and confirms us in that state of grace until the day of our glorious redemption. Therefore, the reasons for not grieving lie in the greatness and goodness of the person whom we grieve and the magnitude and constancy of the benefits we receive from Him. To say something about the person: the Holy Spirit is called a Spirit not only in terms of nature, as being a spiritual essence, but also with regard to His person and role. He is both breathed forth from the Father and the Son, proceeding from both of them, and by His role, He breathes life into all whom God has given Christ to redeem and whom He Himself sanctifies. He is the Spirit of God in the sense of proceeding from God, and yet He is God Himself. Those who deny this deny their own baptism, for they are baptized into the name of the Holy Spirit just as they are baptized into the name of the Father and the Son. Nothing less than a person who is God is necessary to assure our souls of God’s love and to transform our nature when it is in opposition to Him. Who else can reveal to us the mind of God except the Spirit of God? In this, we witness the united willingness of both the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: when both the Father and the Son are eager to send such a great person to minister to us and assure us of the immense good the Father has ordained and the Son has accomplished on our behalf.
    无论这些话语是权威的命令,还是智慧的忠告,或者是上帝对我们灵魂的关怀的警告,都不重要,因为无论是来自伟大上帝的忠告还是警告,都具有命令的力量,并伴随着爱的甜蜜。使徒按照他的习惯,从前一节中对腐败言语的具体劝阻转向这个一般性的建议,即不要通过犯罪来伤害上帝的灵,特别是当违背了启示的良心时。这种对邪恶的劝阻通过伤害上帝的灵产生了危险的后果,而这种危险源于我们伤害的是上帝的灵和上帝自己——一个圣洁的灵:圣洁的本性,以及我们内心所有圣洁的源泉。他在我们身上运行圣洁之后,将我们封印并坚定在恩典的状态中,直到我们荣耀的救赎之日。因此,不要伤害的原因在于我们伤害的人的伟大和善良,以及我们从他那里获得的益处的重要性和持久性。 关于这个人的说法:圣灵被称为灵,不仅是指其本质,作为一种灵性的实质,而且还涉及到他的人和角色。他既从父亲和儿子那里呼出,也从他们两个那里出来,通过他的角色,他给上帝赐给基督救赎并由他自己使圣化的所有人注入生命。他是上帝的灵,意味着从上帝那里出来,然而他自己也是上帝。否认这一点的人否认了自己的洗礼,因为他们受洗是以圣灵的名义,就像他们受洗是以父和子的名义一样。只有一个既是上帝又是人的人才能确保我们的灵魂得到上帝的爱,并在我们与他相对立时改变我们的本性。除了上帝的灵谁能向我们启示上帝的心思?在这一点上,我们见证了父亲、儿子和圣灵的统一意愿:当父亲和儿子都渴望派遣这样一个伟大的人来事奉我们,并向我们保证父亲为我们指定的巨大善事和儿子为我们所完成的事。


    Table of Contents  目录

    Epistle Dedicatory 致辞信

    The Holy Ghost, why called a Spirit

    Why Holy 为什么神圣

    1. Of grieving the Spirit

    2. Of the sealing of the Spirit

    3. Of the day of redemption