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Delivered in diverse sermons upon Isaiah 25:6-9
在以赛亚书 25:6-9 中的不同讲道中传达
So much of late hath been written about the times, that Spiritual Discourses are now almost out of season. Men’s minds are so hurried up and down, that it is to be feared, they are much discomposed to think furiously as they ought, of their eternal concernments: Alas! Christians have lost much of their communion with Christ and his saints; (the heaven upon earth) whilst they have woefully disputed away, and dispirited the life of religion and the power of godliness into dry and sapless Controversies about Government of Church and State. To recover therefore thy spiritual relish of savory practical truths, these sermons of that excellent man of God, of precious memory, are published: Wherein thou art presented the principal subjects handled in these sermons.
(1.) Of the Marriage Feast between Christ and His Church:
With an invitation to a great and wonderful Feast, the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, an admirable Feast indeed, wherein Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God is the Bridegroom, where every believer that hath put on the Lord Jesus, (the wedding garment) is not only the Guest, but the Spouse of Christ, and the Bride at this wedding supper. Here Jesus Christ is the Master of the Feast, and the Cheer and Provision too. He is the Lamb of God, the Ram caught in the thicket. He is the Fatted Calf, when he was sacrificed. Wisdom killed her beasts, (Proverbs 9:2). At his death, the oxen and fatlings were killed (Matthew 22:3). His flesh is meat indeed, and his blood is drink indeed. And that thou mayest be fully delighted at this Feast, Christ is the Rose of Sharon, the Lilly of the Valley; he is a bundle of Myrrh, a Cluster of Camphor, his name is an ointment poured out, and his love is better than wine.
有一个盛大而美妙的盛宴的邀请,那就是羔羊的婚筵,确实是一场令人赞叹的盛宴。在这里,耶稣基督,永恒的上帝之子,是新郎,每一个穿上主耶稣(婚礼礼服)的信徒不仅是客人,也是基督的配偶,是这场婚宴的新娘。在这里,耶稣基督是宴会的主人,也是宴会的欢乐和供应者。他是神的羔羊,被困在荆棘中的公羊。他是肥犊,当他被献祭时。智慧宰杀了她的牲畜(箴言 9:2)。在他的死亡中,牛和肥畜被宰杀(马太福音 22:3)。他的肉确实是食物,他的血确实是饮料。为了让你在这个盛宴上完全快乐,基督是沙仑的玫瑰,山谷的百合花;他是没药的一束,樟脑的一簇,他的名字是倾倒的香膏,他的爱比酒更美好。
In Christ are all things ready, for Christ is all in all (Colossians 3:11). And great is the Feast that Christ makes for believers; for it is the Marriage Feast which the great King makes for his Son. The great design and aim of the Gospel being to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ, and give him a name above every name (Philippians 2:9). Great is the company that are bid, (Luke 14:6) Jews and Gentiles. God keeps open house; Lo every one that thirsts come, and whosoever will let him come and freely take of the water of life (Isaiah 55:1; Revelation 22:17). Great is the cheer that is provided; every guest here hath Asher’s portion, royal dainties, and bread of fatness (Genesis 49:20). Here’s all excellent, best wine, wine on the lees well refined. Here’s fat things, yea fat things full of marrow. Here’s the hidden Manna, the water of life, and the fruit of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God (Revelation 22:2). All that is at this Feast is of the best, yea the best of the best. Here’s variety and plenty too, here’s bread enough and to spare. Caligula and Heliogabalus their Feasts, who ransacked the earth, air, and sea to furnish their tables, were nothing to this. And above all, here’s welcome for every hungry thirsty soul. He that bids thee come, will bid thee welcome, he will not say eat, when his heart is not with thee. The invitation is free, the preparation great, and the entertainment at this Feast, suiting the magnificence of the great King, is full and bountiful. All which is at large treated of in these excellent Sermons, which are therefore deservedly entitled, The Marriage Feast between Christ and His Church.
在基督里,一切都准备就绪,因为基督是一切的一切(歌罗西书 3:11)。基督为信徒们设立了盛宴,这是伟大的君王为他的儿子设立的婚宴。福音的伟大设计和目标是尊崇主耶稣基督,使他的名超乎一切名(腓立比书 2:9)。受邀的人众多,有犹太人和外邦人(路加福音 14:6)。上帝敞开大门,凡口渴的都可以来,凡愿意的都可以自由地喝生命的水(以赛亚书 55:1;启示录 22:17)。提供的食物丰盛美味,每位客人都有亚设的份量,皇家美食和肥美的面包(创世记 49:20)。这里有一切美好的事物,最好的酒,经过精心提炼的酒渣。这里有肥美的食物,充满髓脂。这里有隐藏的吗哪,生命的水,以及在神的乐园中的生命树的果实(启示录 22:2)。这个盛宴上的一切都是最好的,甚至是最好的中的最好的。这里有各种各样的食物,丰富无尽。加里古拉和赫利奥加巴卢斯为了摆设他们的餐桌而搜刮了地球、空气和海洋,都无法与此相比。 最重要的是,这里欢迎每一个饥渴的灵魂。邀请你前来的人,也会欢迎你,他不会在心不在你身上时说“吃”。邀请是免费的,准备工作很大,宴会的款待与伟大的国王的壮丽相称,丰盛无比。所有这些都在这些优秀的讲道中详细讨论,因此它们当之无愧地被称为“基督与他的教会之间的婚宴”。
We read of a Philosopher, that having prepared an excellent treatise of happiness, and presenting it unto a great King, the King answered him, “Keep your Book to yourself, I am not now at leisure.” Here is an excellent treasure put into thy hand, do not answer us, “I am not now at leisure.” O do not let Christ stand knocking at thy heart, who will come and sup with thee, and bring his cheer with him. O let not a deceived heart turn thee any longer aside to feed upon ashes, feed no longer with swine upon husks, while thou mayest be filled and satisfied with bread in thy father’s house (Luke 15:11-23).
我们读到一个哲学家的故事,他准备了一本关于幸福的优秀著作,并将其呈给一位伟大的国王,但国王回答他说:“把你的书留给自己吧,我现在没空。”这里有一份优秀的宝藏放在你手中,请不要回答我们说:“我现在没空。”哦,不要让基督在你的心门前敲门,他将来与你一同进餐,并带来他的盛宴。哦,不要再让一个被欺骗的心再把你引开,不要再继续以猪吃糠的方式养活自己,当你可以在父亲的家中得到饱食和满足时(路加福音 15:11-23)。
But this is not all, if thou wilt be pleased to peruse this book, thou wilt find there are many other useful, seasonable, and excellent subjects handled besides the Marriage Feast.
(2.) Of the veil of ignorance and unbelief, and the removal of it:
Jesus Christ hath not only provided a Feast but, because he is desirous that all those for whom it is provided should come to it (which only they do that believe), he takes away the veil of ignorance and unbelief from off their hearts. And here you shall find this skillful preacher hath excellently discoursed, what this veil is, how it naturally lies upon all, and is only removed by the Spirit of GOD. And if the Lord hath destroyed this covering from off thy heart, we doubt not, but the truth of this heavenly doctrine will shine comfortably into thy soul.
(3.) Of Christ’s conquest over death:
Jesus Christ to make his bounty and mercy further appear in this Feast, he hath given his guests the Bread of Life, and hath secured them from the fear of death. They need not fear, there’s no Mors in olla at this Feast, we may Feast without fear. Jesus Christ by his tasting of death hath swallowed it up in victory (1 Corinthians 15:54). Christ doth not make his people such a Feast, as it is reported Dionysius the Tyrant once made for his flatterer Damocles, who set him at a princely table, but hanged a drawn sword in a small thread over his head.
耶稣基督为了在这个盛宴中展示他的恩慈和慷慨,他给了他的客人生命之粮,并使他们摆脱了死亡的恐惧。他们不需要害怕,在这个盛宴上没有死亡的威胁。我们可以毫无恐惧地享受盛宴。耶稣基督通过他的死亡经历将死亡吞噬于胜利之中(哥林多前书 15:54)。基督不会像传说中的暴君狄奥尼修斯为他的谄媚者达摩克利斯所设的盛宴那样,给他摆上一桌王者之席,但在他头上悬挂了一把握在一根细线上的剑。
But Christ would have us triumph over the King of Fears, who was slain by the death of Christ, and we thereby delivered from the bondage of the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15). At other Feasts they were wont of old, to have a death’s bread served in amongst other dishes, to mind them in the midst of all their mirth of their mortality (which practice of the heathens condemns the ranting jollity of some loose professors in these times). But here, Christ serves in death’s head, (as David the head of Goliath) the head of a slain and conquered death. Our Sampson by his own death hath destroyed death, and hath thereby ransomed us from the hand of the grave, and hath redeemed us from death, and the slavish of it. All which is at large handled in these following sermons for thy comfort and joy, that thou mayest triumph in his love through whom thou art more than conqueror (Romans 8:37).
但基督要我们战胜恐惧之王,他因基督的死而被杀,我们因此从死亡的恐惧束缚中得到解脱(希伯来书 2:14-15)。在其他节日,他们过去常常在其他菜肴中间上一块死亡面包,以提醒他们在所有欢乐中间,他们是有限的存在(这种异教徒的做法谴责了这个时代一些放荡的信徒的狂欢)。但在这里,基督以死亡之首(如大卫是歌利亚之首)为我们服务,战胜了死亡。我们的参孙通过自己的死亡摧毁了死亡,并因此将我们从坟墓的手中赎回,并从死亡及其奴役中救赎了我们。所有这些都在以下的讲道中详细阐述,为了你的安慰和喜乐,让你在他的爱中得胜有余(罗马书 8:37)。
(4.) Of the Christian’s tears, and the wiping them away:
Because it is a merry heart that makes a continual Feast (Proverbs 15:15), and that this Feast might be a Gaudy-day indeed unto thy soul, Christ doth here promise, to wipe away all tears from off the faces of his people. The Gospel hath comforts enough to make glad the hearts of the saints and people of God. The light of God’s countenance will refresh them with joy unspeakable, and glorious in the midst of the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23:4). A truely godly person can weep for his sins, though the world smile never so much upon him; and though he be never so much afflicted in the world, yet he can and will rejoice in the God of his salvation. In these sermons thou hast this Gospel promise sweetly opened and applied; wherein thou shalt find directions when and for what to mourn and weep, and the blessedness of all true mourners, whose sorrows shall be turned into joy.
因为快乐的心使人不断享受盛宴(箴言 15:15),为了让你的灵魂真正享受这个盛宴,基督在这里承诺要擦去他的子民脸上的所有眼泪。福音有足够的安慰来使圣徒和上帝的子民心中喜乐。上帝的慈容将以无法言喻的喜乐使他们得到滋润,在死荫的幽谷中荣耀地行走(诗篇 23:4)。一个真正虔诚的人可以为自己的罪而哭泣,即使世界对他微笑得再多;即使他在世界上受到多么大的苦难,他也能够并且愿意因他的救恩之神而欢喜。在这些讲道中,你将会发现这个福音的应许甜蜜地被阐明和应用;在其中,你将找到何时以及为何而哀悼和哭泣的指引,以及所有真正哀悼者的福气,他们的忧伤将变成喜乐。
(5.) Of the rebukes and reproaches of God’s people, and the taking of them away:
In these sermons you shall further find that though Jesus Christ respect his people highly and entertains them bountifully; yet they have but course usage in the world, who are wont to revile them as fools and madmen, as seditious rebels, troublers of Israel, proud and hypocritical persons. But blessed are they that do not stumble at this Stone of offence, that wear the reproaches of Christ as their crown, and by well-doing put to silence the ignorance of foolish men (1 Peter 2:15); for let the world load them with all their revilings, yet the Spirit of glory rests upon them (1 Peter 4:14), and in due time he will roll away their reproach, and bring forth their judgement as the light, and their righteousness as the noon-day (Psalm 37:6).
在这些讲道中,你将进一步发现,尽管耶稣基督高度尊重他的子民并且慷慨款待他们,但他们在世界上只能受到粗暴的对待,人们经常嘲笑他们是愚蠢和疯狂的人,是叛乱的叛徒,以色列的麻烦制造者,傲慢和伪善的人。但是那些不因这个绊脚石而跌倒的人是有福的,他们把基督的羞辱当作自己的冠冕,通过行善来使愚昧人的无知沉默(彼得前书 2:15);因为即使世界用尽他们所有的辱骂,荣耀的灵仍然停留在他们身上(彼得前书 4:14),在适当的时候,他将卷走他们的羞辱,使他们的公正如光明一样显露,使他们的公义如正午一样明亮(诗篇 37:6)。
(6.) Of the promises: 承诺中的一部分:
And because a Christian here hath more in hope than in hand, more in reversion than in possession, walks by faith rather than sense, and lives by the Word of God, and not by bread alone. Thou shalt have here (Christian reader) a sweet discourse of the precious promises of Christ, which he hath left us here to slay the stomach of the soul, till we come to that Feast of Feasts in heaven. That by this glimpse we might in part know the greatness of that glory which shall be revealed (Isaiah 40:5), that the first fruits might be a pawn of the harvest and the earnest of the Spirit a pledge of that full reward we shall have in heaven, where we shall be brimfull of those pleasures that are at God’s right hand forever (Psalm 16:11). Christ hath given us promises to uphold our faith and hope, till faith be perfected in fruition, and hope end in vision; till Jesus Christ, who is here the object of our faith, be the reward of our faith forever.
因为在这里,一个基督徒在希望中比在手中拥有更多,在未来中比在现实中拥有更多,在信心中行走而不是凭感官,凭借上帝的话语而活,而不是单靠面包。在这里(基督徒读者),你将得到关于基督宝贵应许的甜蜜讨论,这些应许他留给我们,以满足灵魂的渴望,直到我们来到天堂的盛宴。通过这一瞥,我们可以在某种程度上了解那将要显现的荣耀的伟大(以赛亚书 40:5),初熟的果实可以作为丰收的保证,圣灵的凭据是我们在天堂将要得到的完全回报的保证,那里我们将满溢着上帝右手边永远的喜乐(诗篇 16:11)。基督给了我们应许来支撑我们的信心和希望,直到信心在实现中得到完善,希望在见证中终结;直到耶稣基督,他在这里是我们信心的对象,成为我们信心的永恒奖赏。
(7.) Of the Holy Scriptures, and the Divine Authority of them:
Now because the comfort of the promises is grounded in the faithfulness of him that hath promised, this godly and learned man, hath strongly asserted the Divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures, proving that they are theopneustos, that they are the very Word of God, that they are autopistos and aksopistos, worthy of all acceptation, and betide, for their own sakes. A truth very seasonable for these times to Antidote thee against the poison-full errors of blasphemous Antiscripturists.
(8.) Of waiting upon God:
Lastly, because that God often takes a long day for performance of the promise, thou shalt find herein the doctrine of waiting upon God excellently handled. A duty which we earnestly commend unto thy practice, as suitable to these sad times. Say, O say, with the Church, In the way of thy judgements, O Lord, we have waited for thee: (Isaiah 26:8) and with the Prophet, I will wait upon the Lord that hides his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. (Isaiah 8:17) And rest assured that none of the seed of Jacob shall seek him in vain; he will not disappoint their hope nor make their faces ashamed that wait for him.
最后,因为上帝常常需要很长时间来履行承诺,你将在这里发现等候上帝的教义被出色地处理了。这是一个我们真诚推荐你在这个悲伤的时期实践的责任。和教会一起说:“耶和华啊,在你的审判的道路上,我们曾等候你。”(以赛亚书 26:8)和先知一起说:“我要等候那向雅各家掩面的耶和华,我要仰望他。”(以赛亚书 8:17)请放心,雅各的后裔中没有人会徒劳地寻求他;他不会辜负他们的希望,也不会让等候他的人蒙羞。
Thus we have given you a short prospect of the whole, a brief sum of that treasure which these sermons contain. We need say nothing of the author, his former labours sufficiently speak for him in the gates, his memory is highly honoured amongst the godly learned. He that enjoys the glory of heaven, needs not the praise of men upon earth. If any should doubt of these sermons, as if they should not be truly his, whose Name they bear, let him but observe the style, and the excellent and spiritual matter herein contained, and he will hopefully be satisfied. Besides, there are many ear-witnesses yet living, who can clear them from any shadow of imposture. They come forth without any alteration, save only some repetitions (which the pulpit did well bear) are here omitted.
The Lord make these, and all other the labors of his servants profitable to his Church. And the Lord so destroy the veil from off thy heart, that thou mayest believe, and by faith come to this Feast, the joy and comfort whereof may swallow up all the slavish fear of death, dry up thy tears, and roll away all reproach. And the Lord give thee a waiting heart, to slay thy soul upon the name of the Lord, to believe his Word, and his faithful promises, that in due time thou mayest rejoice in the God of thy salvation. This is the earnest prayer of:
London: April 19, 1650 伦敦:1650 年 4 月 19 日
Table of Contents 目录
Preface – to the Reader
前言 – 给读者
The First Sermon – Isaiah 25:6
第一篇讲道 – 以赛亚书 25:6
The Second Sermon – Isaiah 25:6
第二篇讲道 – 以赛亚书 25:6
The Third Sermon – Isaiah 25:6-7
第三篇讲道 – 以赛亚书 25:6-7
The Fourth Sermon – Isaiah 25:7-8
第四篇讲道 – 以赛亚书 25:7-8
The Fifth Sermon – Isaiah 25:8
第五篇讲道 – 以赛亚书 25:8
The Sixth Sermon – Isaiah 25:6-7
第六篇讲道 – 以赛亚书 25:6-7
The Seventh Sermon – Isaiah 25:8
第七篇讲道 – 以赛亚书 25:8
The Eighth Sermon – Isaiah 25:8-9
第八篇讲道 – 以赛亚书 25:8-9
The Ninth Sermon – Isaiah 25:9
第九篇讲道 – 以赛亚书 25:9