
Exposition of Philippians Chapter 3 (eBook)《腓立比书第三章解读》(电子书)

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    BY RICHARD SIBBES 由理查德·西布斯撰写

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    Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.—PHILIP. 3:1.

    THIS chapter contains a general exhortation to several duties. In this verse you have the manner of doing them—all must be done in rejoicing. From thence he proceeds to back other particular exhortations, with reasons and examples of himself, which we will speak of particularly when we come at them. Now in this verse I will speak first of the compellation, ‘brethren;’ then of the exhortation, ‘rejoice;’ and lastly, of the limitation, ‘in the Lord.’ 

    1. The appellation, ‘brethren.’ By this loving compellation he labours to enter into their hearts and affections; well knowing that exhortations are of the more force, being directed to those that are persuaded of the good affection of the speaker. If exhortation comes from the pride of a man, the pride of a man in the hearers will beat it back, and give entertainment thereunto. 

    But why are Christians brethren? 

    First, They have the same beginning of life from the same Father: as also they have the same common brother, that is, Christ. They have the same womb, the church; the same food, the word of God. They have the same promises; they are all heirs, all born to an inheritance. 

    Furthermore, the word brother is a word of equality and of dignity: of equality—though in personal callings one is superior to other, yet this takes not away the common brotherhood. This should fill up the valleys of men’s hearts dejected here, in regard of their mean estates; as also pull down the mountains of the proud hearts of men, lifted up through these outward things. Kings must not lift up themselves in disdain of others, because all these personal respects end in death; we carry them not to heaven. And in those respects that we agree in here, as in grace and goodness, we shall continue united for ever. And yet must we honour such as are in eminency, and acknowledge them as men worthy of all respect, and give them dignity according to their places. 

    But further, this is a name of dignity. It argues that we are not basely born, that we are sons of God and heirs of heaven. Christ after his resurrection, the first term he gives his disciples, ‘Tell my brethren,’ saith he, ‘I go to my Father and their Father.’ 

    This word is also a word of love; and therewith the apostle insinuates the affections of the Philippians. Examine therefore thy affections towards the sons of God. If we love and respect them as our own brethren, good is our estate; if we hate them, our estate cannot be good. 

    And in the second place, Let not this word be appropriated to some, and not to others, which are notwithstanding of the same number. For one brother cannot make another no brother; for it is one and the same Father that makes brethren. So long therefore as thou seest anything of Christ in any, break not off thy affection, and disdain not the name of brother to such; for where the Spirit is, it works in us a resemblance of God; and where it stamps his image, it makes them brethren. 

    2. Exhortation, ‘rejoice.’ It is not only an affection, but a duty that we are enjoined. Wherein first observe, 

    (1.) It is a Christian’s duty to rejoice. It is commanded here. Ministers are enjoined to speak comfort to such, Isa. 40:1, ‘Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people;’ and Christ came to ‘bind up the broken in heart,’ Isa. 61:1, and the ministers sent to shew men their unrighteousness, Job 33:23. The spirit that is in such is the spirit of joy; and therefore joy is reckoned as a fruit of the spirit, Gal. 5:22. 
    (1.) 基督徒有责任欢喜。这是在这里被命令的。牧师被吩咐要对这样的人说安慰话,以赛亚书 40:1,“你们要安慰,安慰我的百姓。”基督来是为了“医治伤心的人”,以赛亚书 61:1,并且被派去向人们展示他们的不义,约伯记 33:23。在这样的人里面的灵是喜乐的灵;因此,喜乐被认为是圣灵的果子之一,加拉太书 5:22。

    And why should not Christians rejoice? They are free from the spiritual Egypt, from greatest miseries. Nay, why should not we sing as the Israelites did after their deliverance? Our enemies and deliverance is far greater than theirs. And we have the greatest prerogatives. We have here an assured hope of eternal perfect happiness hereafter; we have ‘peace with God,’ Rom. 5:1. We have free access in all our wants to the throne of grace; and we have a God ready to hear all our prayers, and to help us. We have many gifts already received. Christ is already given us. We are in a state of regeneration. And for the time to come, we have promises from God, the God of truth, that nothing shall separate us from Christ. Surely these are great causes of joy in us; and having such things as these, we dishonour them, the giver of them, and ourselves and our profession, if we rejoice not in them. 
    为什么基督徒不应该欢喜呢?他们已经摆脱了属灵的埃及,摆脱了最大的苦难。不,为什么我们不应该像以色列人在得到解救后那样歌唱呢?我们的敌人和解救比他们的更伟大。而且我们拥有最大的特权。我们在这里有一个确信的希望,即来世将会得到永恒的完美幸福;我们与上帝和好了,罗马书 5:1。我们在一切需要中都可以自由地接近恩典的宝座;我们有一个随时准备听取我们所有祷告并帮助我们的上帝。我们已经得到了许多恩赐。基督已经赐给了我们。我们处于重生的状态。而且对于未来,我们有来自上帝的应许,这位真实的上帝保证没有什么能将我们与基督分开。毫无疑问,这些都是我们欢喜的重要原因;如果我们不为这些欢喜,我们就是在亵渎这些赐予我们的东西,亵渎赐予我们这些东西的主,亵渎我们自己和我们的信仰。

    (2.) In the second place observe, that it belongs only to Christians to rejoice. Others have neither cause of joy, nor commandment to rejoice. The ministers and prophets are bidden to bid such howl and lament, to shew them their miserable estate.* And indeed what ground can a condemned person have of joy? For the wicked, till they have remission of sins, they are in a damned estate; and though they will snatch this to themselves and say that they are sure to be saved, yet is salvation not their portion. They joy indeed, but it is in sin; in seeing or doing evil to others. Or if sometimes they joy in the gospel (for a wicked man may do so), it is but a forced joy, and much like hot waters to a cold fit of an ague. It brings heat and expulses cold for the present, but it burns them after. So this joy seems to comfort them now, but when trial comes it fails him, and makes him more disconsolate to see himself thus beguiled. Fitter it were for such to be first humbled and brought to the sight of their estate, than to administer comfort to them. To speak peace where none belongs is to undo men. It is the broken that must be healed, and the weary that must come to Christ. 

    (3.) Limitation. In the third place, observe the limitation of this joy: it must be ‘in the Lord;’ that is, in Christ, who in the New Testament is often called Lord. And he is our Lord: first, by gift; God hath given us all to Christ. Secondly, by conquest; he hath gotten victory of Satan. And thirdly, by marriage; and therefore we may well call him Lord, and rejoice in him, because he is our Lord; for by him we come to conquer all our enemies; by him we have peace, Rom. 5:1. He makes Us kings and priests, and brings us to heaven. 
    (3)限制。第三点,要注意这种喜乐的限制:它必须是“在主里面”;也就是说,在基督里面,他在新约中经常被称为主。他是我们的主:首先,是因为赐予;上帝把我们都赐给了基督。其次,是因为征服;他战胜了撒旦。第三,是因为婚姻;因此我们可以称他为主,并因他而欢喜,因为他是我们的主;因为通过他,我们能够战胜所有的敌人;通过他,我们得到了和平,罗马书 5:1。他使我们成为君王和祭司,并带领我们进入天堂。

    Now, for the practice of this duty of rejoicing in the Lord, that we may be encouraged, let us consider how it is a means not only of adherence to God, but also of obedience to his laws. 

    [1.] Adherence to God. Joy, if it be found,* knits us firm to God, so as we rest contented in him as our only and sufficient joy, seeking for no other joy in any other thing. To us Christ is made ‘all in all’ that we should solace ourselves in his fulness, which if we truly do, we will count all other things as despised, assuring ourselves they cannot minister or add any jot of sound comfort at all; and therefore will not endure any thought of mixture of other things with Christ, thereby to make him more sufficient and complete for our joys to rest on. 
    [1.] 坚守对上帝的信仰。如果我们能找到快乐,它会将我们紧密地与上帝联系在一起,使我们满足地依靠他作为我们唯一和足够的快乐,不在其他事物中寻求其他的快乐。对我们来说,基督成为了“一切”,我们应该在他的丰盈中安慰自己,如果我们真正这样做,我们会认为其他一切都是被蔑视的,确信它们无法提供或增加任何真正的安慰;因此,我们不会容忍将其他事物与基督混合在一起的想法,以使他对我们的喜悦更加足够和完整。

    [2.] Obedience to his laws: for joy stirs up cheerfulnsss to every duty, and makes all duties acceptable to God and man. For the want hereof many are dead and dull in good duties; and where a large portion of this joy is, it will remove all lets and delays to duty. It doth not only enable us to, but in, duty. Cain no doubt came cheerfully to a good duty, to sacrifice; but for want of this cheerful and joyful spirit, what was his behaviour in the performance thereof? ‘His countenance was cast down,’ Gen. 4:6. This God espies suddenly, and so he doth in all our dull performances. For he looks things should be done cheerfully, and reason too, for he hath left us a treasure of excellent promises to encourage us. We see it in men. They love when a thing is done cheerfully; they know it betokens love in the party that doth it: and can we then think it strange that God requires it? Again, if we can fashion ourselves to this duty, God hath promised to increase our joy more abundantly. And he performed it to Hezekiah, 2 Chron. 29:36. He will give delight as a reward to him that delighteth in his work. And therefore we ought to labour to bring ourselves to this duty; to the obtaining of which observe these directions. 
    服从他的法律:因为喜乐激发了对每一项任务的愉快,使所有任务对上帝和人都可接受。由于缺乏这种喜乐,许多人在善行中变得死气沉沉;而当这种喜乐的份额很大时,它将消除所有对任务的阻碍和延迟。它不仅使我们能够履行任务,而且在任务中。毫无疑问,该隐愉快地履行了一个善行,即献祭;但由于缺乏这种愉快和喜乐的精神,他在履行中的行为如何呢?《创世记》4:6 说:“他的脸色就变了。”上帝立即看到了这一点,我们所有的死气沉沉的表现他都看得到。因为他希望事情能够愉快地完成,这也是合理的,因为他给了我们宝贵的应许来鼓励我们。我们在人们身上看到了这一点。他们喜欢事情愉快地完成;他们知道这意味着做事的一方有爱心:那么我们能认为上帝要求这是奇怪的吗?此外,如果我们能使自己适应这个任务,上帝已经应许要更丰富地增加我们的喜乐。他也向希西家实现了这个应许,《历代志下》29:36。他会将喜悦作为对那些喜悦于自己工作的人的奖赏。 因此,我们应该努力使自己履行这个责任;为了获得这个责任,请遵循以下指导。

    Means to get joy. First, Consider that joy comes from faith. For it is the sense of our reconciliation with Christ that makes us rejoice, Rom. 5:2, and 1 Pet. 1:6. Now, therefore, whatsoever strengthens faith, strengthens also our joy; and contrarily what weakens the one, must of necessity weaken the other. 
    获得喜悦的方法。首先,考虑到喜悦来自于信仰。因为我们与基督和好的感觉使我们欢喜,罗马书 5:2 和彼得前书 1:6。因此,任何能够加强信仰的事物也会加强我们的喜悦;相反地,任何削弱信仰的事物必然会削弱喜悦。

    Furthermore, joy comes from peace. Whatsoever, therefore, disturbs our peace, must needs disturb our joy. Therefore Satan, to despoil us of our joy, he spoils our faith through our sins; and by them he weakens our hope and our comfort. What is to be done then? Surely repair to the fountain of health, the well of joy, the word of God, Isa. 12:3. And from thence must we draw all our comfort. Use, therefore, the ordinances of God, but use them in the Lord, in obedience to his commandment, and expect the issue with patience. Many there are that use the means, but take no joy at all in them. Why? They do it not as in obedience to God’s command, but they rest in the deed done, and they think God is bound to give them joy. God justly denies such that which they presume of. 
    此外,喜乐源自和平。因此,任何扰乱我们和平的事情必然会扰乱我们的喜乐。所以撒旦为了夺走我们的喜乐,他通过我们的罪孽破坏我们的信仰;并且通过这些罪孽削弱我们的希望和安慰。那么应该怎么办呢?当然是去寻求健康的泉源,喜乐的井,上帝的话语,以赛亚书 12:3。我们必须从那里汲取所有的安慰。因此,要使用上帝的教导,但要在主里使用,顺从他的命令,并以耐心等待结果。有许多人使用这些方法,但对它们一点也不感到喜乐。为什么?因为他们不是出于对上帝命令的顺从,而是满足于行为本身,并认为上帝有义务给他们喜乐。上帝公正地拒绝了他们所假设的东西。

    In the second place: Pray that your joy may be full. See this in most of David’s psalms. At the first he complains for the want of God’s presence, of God’s wrath and anger, but comes off with a large portion of comfort. ‘Depart from me, ye wicked, for the Lord hath heard my prayer,’ Ps. 6:8. In the use of all means, therefore, join prayer: pray for faith, for hope, and such graces as may bring joy. Though at first thou findest thyself to be cold, to have little or no comfort at all, yet give not over; thou shalt at length find plenty thereof. Remember the woman of Canaan: at the first despised and called dog, but what did her constancy gain? A gracious answer, ‘O woman, great is thy faith: be it to thee as thou desirest,’ Mat. 15:28. 
    其次:祈求你的喜乐得以充满。在大卫的许多诗篇中都能看到这一点。一开始他抱怨没有神的同在,有神的愤怒和怒气,但最终得到了大量的安慰。“你们一切作孽的人,离开我吧!因为耶和华听了我哀求的声音。”(诗篇 6:8)因此,在使用一切手段时,要加入祈祷:为信心、希望和能带来喜乐的恩典祈祷。即使一开始你发现自己冷淡,几乎没有任何安慰,也不要放弃;最终你会找到丰盈的安慰。记住迦南妇人:一开始被轻视并称为狗,但她的坚持得到了什么?一个恩慈的回答,“妇人,你的信心是大的,照你所要的,给你成全了。”(马太福音 15:28)

    In the third place: Remember former times, as David did, Ps. 77:6. He was so oppressed, his ‘sore ran in the night, and ceased not,’ as he saith. But then, ‘I remembered the days of old,’ &c. Consider thou also in thy deepest affliction, times were once when thou hadst the clear and comfortable light of God’s Spirit present with thee. He will not leave thee, his nature is unchangeable, &c. 
    第三点:记住过去的时光,就像大卫一样,诗篇 77:6 所说的那样。他曾经如此受压迫,他的“痛苦在夜间流淌,不停止”,正如他所说的那样。但是,然后,“我记念古时之日”等等。在你最深的困苦中,也要考虑到曾经有过一段时光,当时你拥有上帝的灵明亮而舒适的光。他不会离开你,他的本性是不变的,等等。

    In the fourth place: Have society with the saints, and keep company with those that are good. And as the two disciples’ hearts did burn when they talked with Christ, so verily thou shalt find this heat of comfort by little and little to increase. For God blesses the communion of saints, and such as are discerning Christians can tell us more, and opportunely bring things to mind which thou thyself rememberest not, and can inform our judgments when they are blinded with grief and melancholy. Use, therefore, the company of the good, when thou findest doubts arise, and make thy griefs known to some wise and judicious Christian. For the devil is too strong for any one alone. He will prevail against thee. Thou wilt be too weak to wrestle with him hand to hand. It is no wonder, therefore, that melancholy persons are so destitute of comfort. 

    Quest. It will be asked, May we not rejoice in friends’ society, deliverance from dangers, and the like good things of this world? 

    Ans. I answer, Yes; and yet joy in the Lord also; for whenas whatsoever we have, we receive it as a token of God’s particular love to us in Christ, who both gives us our daily bread and the word of life; comforts both heavenly and earthly; these outward things then, I say, do strengthen the faith of a Christian, and thereby our joy is strengthened. Wherefore we may thus joy in them, nay, it is our duty to do it. The wicked they indeed receive them, but only as from God’s care of the general good of the world, or the race of mankind; and therefore can take no joy truly from them as the child of God doth: who in the right use of them, first rejoiceth that he is the child of God, and is reconciled to him in Christ: that Christ is his; and then that he having the field, hath also the pearl, Mat. 13:45, seq. All blessings belonging to this life and a better are in Christ made his, and he so rejoices in them, as he refers the comfort and strength that he receiveth from them to the honour of God. God’s children receiving good things from him, are threatened for not rejoicing in them, Deut. 28:47. In the 45th verse he saith, ‘The curses shall be upon thee, for that thou servest not the Lord thy God with joyfulness and gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things.’ And it is expressly commanded, Deut. 26:11, ‘Thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the Lord thy God hath given thee, and thine house.’ 
    答案是,是的;然而,我们也在主里面有喜乐;因为无论我们拥有什么,我们都将其视为上帝在基督里对我们特别的爱的象征,他给我们日用的食物和生命的话语;安慰我们的是天上的和地上的;所以,我说,这些外在的事物加强了基督徒的信心,从而增强了我们的喜乐。因此,我们可以因此而喜乐,不仅如此,这是我们的责任。恶人确实接受了这些事物,但只是将其视为上帝关心世界的整体利益或人类的利益;因此,他们无法像上帝的儿女那样真正从中获得喜乐:在正确使用它们的时候,首先他因为自己是上帝的儿女,并在基督里与他和好而欢喜;他欢喜基督是他的;然后他拥有这块田地,也拥有这颗珍珠,马太福音 13:45,以下。所有属于这个生命和更美好的祝福都在基督里成为他的,他因此而欢喜,将他从中得到的安慰和力量归功于上帝的荣耀。上帝的儿女从他那里得到好处,却因不为此而喜乐而受到威胁,申命记 28:47。 在第 45 节中,他说:“咒诅必临到你,因为你不以喜乐和欢乐的心事奉耶和华你的神,一切丰富的事上帝所赐给你。”并且在申命记 26:11 中明确命令:“你要因耶和华你的神所赐给你和你的家一切美好的事而欢乐。”’

    Quest. But it may be questioned, Why, if this be true, are God’s children so disconsolate? none are so much troubled in conscience as they? I answer, 

    1. Their sorrow proceeds not from their good estate, in that they are Christians, but from the want of the perfections to make them absolute Christians indeed. 

    2. They either do not know themselves, or if they do, because they glorify not God, nor adorn their profession, God justly suffers his joy to be hid, by hiding the comfortable presence of his Spirit. 

    3. God’s children’s joy, though it be great, yet is not discerned of the world. It is a hidden joy. The feast is kept in the conscience. It is not seen of the world, which discerns all things carnally. Carnal joy is always outward, and easy to express. 

    4. While God’s children live here, they have ever a mixture of the two affections of joy and grief, to temper one another; for fulness of joy is only in heaven. This life will not endure perfect joy; but ever when there is cause given of joy, we have something to humble us, and to keep us from being exalted above measure. As Paul had some base temptation, which he calls the ‘prick of the flesh,’ who therefore bids us to fear and tremble, that we lose not the sense of God’s Spirit by the prevailing of our corruptions. 

    Obj. But it will be objected, that the Christian is fuller of sorrow than joy. To which I answer, 

    Ans. It arises either from ignorance of the grounds of comfort, or from want of application of them. When a man is a young Christian, newly begun, he knows not nor understands what grounds he hath of joy. They are as children, that know not their inheritance at the first, nor their father’s love; especially if he correct them, they think he loves them not. Even those that are grown Christians fail too often in this, either by misapplying the grounds, and misjudging of their estate; or sometimes through the distemper of their body, through melancholy. These judge of grace by the measure, when they should judge by the truth of it, be it never so little. For it is not the measure that is the evidence of the child of God, but truth of grace. For there are degrees of grace: in some more, in some less, and in one more in one time than in another. Take, therefore, a Christian in his right estate, one that is a grown Christian, whom neither melancholy nor temptation doth trouble; take him, I say, as he should be, he doth rejoice more soundly, with true joy and hearty, than any one can, being an ungodly man, be he never so merry. However, this we may be sure of, a Christian hath the greatest cause to rejoice, and, as I said before, he ought to stir it up in him by all means. And therefore, however indisposed he be thereto, he ought to search what good things God hath wrought in him. If he doth not know his estate, he cannot praise God as he should. He must meditate also of the vanity of all worldly things. They vanish, and they that put their trust in them ever failed of any true joy. It never comes to the heart of a man. They are not deep enough to comfort men that meet with afflictions. They only touch the fancy, as the fancy of a beast may be delighted. 
    答:它要么源于对舒适的基础的无知,要么源于对这些基础的应用不足。当一个人是一个年轻的基督徒,刚刚开始的时候,他不知道也不理解他有什么样的喜乐的基础。他们就像孩子一样,一开始不知道他们的继承权,也不知道父亲的爱;特别是当他们受到惩罚时,他们会认为父亲不爱他们。即使是成熟的基督徒也经常在这方面失败,要么是因为错误地应用了基础,错误地判断了自己的状况;要么是因为身体的不适,因为忧郁症。这些人通过程度来判断恩典,而不是通过恩典的真实性,即使它再小。因为衡量的不是恩典的证据,而是恩典的真实性。因为恩典有不同的程度:有些人更多,有些人更少,有些人在某个时候比在另一个时候更多。因此,拿一个处于正常状态的基督徒,一个成熟的基督徒,他既不受忧郁症的困扰,也不受诱惑的困扰;拿他来说,他的喜乐更加真实,更加真诚,比任何一个不虔诚的人都要快乐。 然而,我们可以确定的是,基督徒有最大的理由欢喜,正如我之前所说,他应该尽一切努力激发自己的欢喜。因此,无论他对此是否不情愿,他都应该寻找上帝在他身上所行的美事。如果他不了解自己的状况,就无法像他应该的那样赞美上帝。他还必须思考一下世俗事物的虚幻。它们消失了,而且那些寄望于它们的人从来没有得到真正的欢乐。它从来没有触及到一个人的内心。它们不足以安慰遭遇苦难的人。它们只是触动了想象力,就像兽类的想象力可能会受到喜悦的影响一样。

    Let him also compare all discomforts that can come, with this joy in the Lord, and he shall find that it countervails a world of sorrow. This has no end; they are momentary, they last but for a night. This is in the Lord, in whom is fulness of joy. This made the saints of God so resolute, that they set light by all afflictions whatsoever; and therefore, in their greatest afflictions they have the sweetest joy and greatest comforts. And let him also consider, that by this he avoids the reproach of religion, and shews the force and efficacy thereof to be such as is formerly declared. 

    And let him take heed of the hindrances of this joy. As first of all, of sin committed and not repented. Let him repent betimes, else it keeps a man dead, and dull, and backward. So long as this Achan is unfound, it will keep him in discomfort, 1 Chron. 2:7. Let him take heed of secret purposes, either to sin or to favour himself in any one sin, how small soever, for time to come. This will rob him utterly of comfort, for joy cannot lodge in such a heart. ‘If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me,’ saith David, Ps. 66:18. 
    让他注意这种喜乐的阻碍。首先是犯罪而不悔改。让他及早悔改,否则它会使人死气沉沉、迟钝、退步。只要这个阿干还没有被发现,它就会让他感到不舒服,历代志上 2:7。让他注意秘密的目的,无论是犯罪还是在任何一个罪恶中自我安慰,无论多么微小,都会使他完全失去安慰,因为喜乐不能寄宿在这样的心中。大卫说:“我若心里注重罪孽,主必不听我。”诗篇 66:18。

    Furthermore, Let him take heed of negligence in good duties. For it is not enough to do them, but he ought to stir up the graces of God in him to do them thoroughly; and he must strive against his corruptions. For Christians have never so much joy, as when they have laboured with their endeavours to overcome their imperfections in good actions. 

    Lastly, Let him take heed of casting himself into dull or dead acquaintance. It is true we cannot avoid conversing with them, but we must have no secret and inward acquaintance but with the best. A companion of fools shall be beaten, and the wise with the wise will learn wisdom. We are all travellers to heaven; let us therefore choose such company as may, as it were, be a chariot to carry us thither, with their good example and discourses. And with the prophet David, think it a great grief when we have not such society as may do us good. ‘Woe is me, that I am constrained to dwell in the tents of Meshech,’ Ps. 120:5. And therefore, if heretofore any of us have been faulty, let us take warning of this hereafter. 
    最后,让他小心不要与沉闷或无趣的人交往。虽然我们无法避免与他们交谈,但我们只能与最好的人保持秘密和内心的交往。与愚人为伍的人将受到责打,智者与智者将从中学到智慧。我们都是通往天堂的旅行者;因此,让我们选择那些可以像战车一样带领我们前往天堂的伴侣,通过他们的良好榜样和言谈。与先知大卫一样,当我们没有这样的社交圈子可以对我们有益时,我们应该感到非常悲伤。“我在玛设的帐棚中居住,有祸了!”(诗篇 120:5)。因此,如果我们以前有过任何过错,让我们从中吸取教训。


    Table of Contents  目录

    Introduction 介绍

    Verse 1: To write the same things to you

    Verse 2: Beware of Dogs

    Verse 3: For we are the circumcision

    Verse 4: Though I might also have confidence in the flesh

    Verse 5: Of the stock of Israel

    Verse 6: Concerning zeal, persecuting the church

    Verse 7: But what things were gain to me, those I count loss for Christ

    Verse 8: Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss
    诗篇 8:是的,毫无疑问,我认为一切都是损失

    Verse 9: And be found in him
    诗篇 9:在他里面被发现

    Verse 10: And the fellowship of his sufferings

    Verse 11: If by any means I might attain to the resurrection of the dead

    Verse 12: Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect
    第 12 节:并不是说我已经达到了,或者已经完美了

    Verse 13: Brethren, I count not myself to have apprchended
    第 13 节:弟兄们,我不认为自己已经领悟到

    Verse 14: I press towards the mark

    Verse 15: Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded
    15 节:因此,凡是完全的人,都要这样思想

    Verse 16: Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule

    Verse 17: Brethren, be followers together of me

    Verse 18: For many walk, of whom I have told you often
    第 18 节:有许多人行事不端,我曾多次告诉过你们

    Verse 19: Whose end is destruction

    Verse 20: For our conversation is in heaven

    Verse 21: Who shall change our vile body
    第 21 节:谁将改变我们卑贱的身体