
The Life of God in the Soul of Man神在人的灵魂中的生命

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    BY HENRY SCOUGAL 亨利·斯科格尔著

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    ‘The Life of God In The Soul of Man’ was originally written as a private letter to a ‘dear’ friend, to explain Christianity. It was never intended for publication. Yet it has become a classic Puritan text and one of the most read and influential treatises ever written for the comfort of God’s saints. Henry Scougal was born in 1650 and lived only 27 years, when he died of tuberculosis. Just before his death in 1677, Scougal allowed the private communication to his friend to be published.
    《神在人的灵魂中的生命》最初是写给一位“亲爱的”朋友的私人信件,旨在解释基督教。它从未打算出版。然而,它已成为经典的清教文本之一,也是为了安慰上帝的圣徒而写的最受欢迎和有影响力的论文之一。亨利·斯科格尔于 1650 年出生,只活了 27 年,因患肺结核而去世。在 1677 年去世前,斯科格尔允许将这封私人信件发表出版。

    Nearly 70 years later, George Whitefield ‘decided’ to live a life of obedience and self denial to obtain the approval of God and assurance of salvation. To deny himself he quit the only thing he enjoyed, the Oxford ‘Holy Club’ where he was acquainted with John and Charles Wesley. In the spring of 1735, at the age of 20, they handed Whitefield this book ‘The Life of God In The Soul of Man.’ Whitefield said, “I reallywanted to know God and be assured of salvation, but even strict discipline didn’t seem to help. God Showed me (in Scougal’s writings) that I must be born again.”
    将近 70 年后,乔治·怀特菲尔德“决定”过一种顺服和自我否定的生活,以获得上帝的认可和救赎的保证。为了否定自己,他放弃了唯一让他喜欢的事情,牛津的“圣洁俱乐部”,在那里他结识了约翰和查尔斯·卫斯理。1735 年春天,20 岁的怀特菲尔德被他们交给了这本书《人心中的上帝之生命》。怀特菲尔德说:“我真的想认识上帝并确信自己得救,但即使严格的纪律似乎也没有帮助。上帝通过(斯科格尔的著作)向我展示,我必须重生。”

    The rest is history. The brief life of a young Christian, whose only ‘work’ was a letter to a friend, was used profoundly in the seeding of the great awakening in America. Scougal wrote that Christianity is not about external duties to perform, nor is it an emotion or feeling one has. He defines true religion as the union of the soul with God, a partaker of the divine nature, or in the apostle’s words, “Christ in you, thehope of glory.”

    Henry Scougal (1650-1678) was a Scottish theologian, minister and author. Henry Scougal was the second son of Patrick Scougal and Margaret Wemys. His father was Bishop of Aberdeen for more than 20 years. From his infancy, Scougal was raised with religion. From his youth, Scougal spent his free hours in reading, meditation and prayer. He especially enjoyed studying the historical passages of the Old Testament. In 1665 Scougal entered King’s College, University of Aberdeen, and, after graduation, was promoted to the office of Professor of Philosophy. In 1672, Scougal was ordained and appointed minister of a church 20 miles from Aberdeen, where he served for one year before returning to take the office of Professor of Divinity at King’s College, where he taught for five years. He spoke Latin, Hebrew, and a few Asian languages. Scougal produced a number of works while a pastor and professor of divinity at King’s. His most recognized work, The Life Of God In The Soul Of Man, was originally written to a friend to explain Christianity and give spiritual counsel. This work was almost universally praised by the leaders of the Great Awakening, including George Whitefield, who said he never really understood what true religion was until he had digested Scougal’s treatise. On 13 June 1678 Scougal died of tuberculosis.
    亨利·斯科格尔(1650-1678)是一位苏格兰神学家、牧师和作家。亨利·斯科格尔是帕特里克·斯科格尔和玛格丽特·韦姆斯的次子。他的父亲在阿伯丁主教任职超过 20 年。从幼年起,斯科格尔就受到宗教的熏陶。从年轻时起,斯科格尔把空闲时间用于阅读、冥想和祈祷。他特别喜欢研究旧约的历史篇章。1665 年,斯科格尔进入阿伯丁大学国王学院,并在毕业后晋升为哲学教授。1672 年,斯科格尔被任命为牧师,并被派往离阿伯丁 20 英里的一座教堂任职,一年后返回国王学院担任神学教授,任教五年。他会说拉丁语、希伯来语和一些亚洲语言。斯科格尔在国王学院担任牧师和神学教授期间创作了许多作品。他最著名的作品《上帝的生命在人的灵魂中》最初是写给一位朋友,解释基督教并给予灵性指导。 这项工作几乎被大觉醒的领导人普遍赞扬,包括乔治·怀特菲尔德,他说直到消化了斯科格尔的论文,他才真正理解了真正的宗教是什么。1678 年 6 月 13 日,斯科格尔因肺结核去世。


    Table of Contents 目录

    PART I. On Religion; the Natural and Divine Life

    PART II. On the Excellency of Religion and Divine Love

    PART III. On the Difficulties and Duties of the Christian Life