
《天国开启!》理查德·艾莱恩HeavenOpened! – Richard Alleine

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    Good news from Heaven! the Day-spring from on high has visited this undone world!


    After a deluge of sin and misery, behold the bow in the cloud.

    The Lord God has made and established a new covenant, and this it is that has cast the first beam on the dark state of lost and fallen man, and has brought life and immortality to light.

    This covenant is the hope of sinners, the riches of saints, the Magna Carta of the city of God:
    此新约乃是罪人的盼望,圣徒的财富,神之城的《大宪章》(Magna Carta)。

    the forfeited lease of eternity renewed;

    God’s deed of gift, wherein he has, on fair conditions, granted sinners their lives,

    and settled upon his saints an everlasting inheritance.

    Hear, you forlorn captives, who have sold yourselves to eternal bondage, spoiled yourselves of all your glory, sealed yourselves up under everlasting misery.

    You are dead in your sins, guilty before God, under wrath, under a curse, bound over to eternal vengeance.

    But behold, there is yet hope in Israel concerning this thing; the Lord God has had compassion upon you, has opened a way for you to escape out of all this misery and bondage.

    Lift up the hands that hang down, strengthen the trembling knees: an ark, an ark has God prepared, in which is salvation from the flood;

    A Covenant, A New Covenant has he made and established, which, if you lay hold on it, will recover all you have lost, ransom you from death,

    redeem you from Hell, and advance you to a more sure and blessed condition than your original state from which you have fallen.

    This is the hope of sinners; this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.

    Glorious tidings, good news indeed!

    But what is this covenant? Or what is there that is given and granted therein?

    Why, in sum, there is all that Heaven and earth can afford, all that can be needed or desired;

    and this, by a firm and irrevocable deed, made over, and made sure to all who will sincerely embrace it.

    Particularly, God has in his covenant granted and made over Himself; his Son; his Spirit; the earth;

    the angels of light; the powers of darkness; death; the kingdom—all the means of salvation.



    1. God in the Covenant
    2. 约中之神
    3. Christ in the Covenant
    4. 约中之基督
    5. The Spirit in the Covenant
    6. 约中之圣灵
    7. The Earth in the Covenant
    8. 约中之地
    9. The Angels of Light—The Powers of Darkness—Death—The Kingdom of Heaven—in the Covenant
    10. 约中之光明天使——黑暗权势——死亡——天国
    11. A New Heart in the Covenant
    12. 约中之新心
    13. A Heart to Know the Lord
    14. 认识主的心
    15. One Heart
    16. 合一之心
    17. A Heart of Flesh
    18. 肉心
    19. A Heart to Love the Lord
    20. 爱主的心
    21. A Heart to Fear the Lord
    22. 敬畏主的心
    23. An Obedient Heart
    24. 顺服的心
    25. An Enduring Covenant
    26. 永久的约
    27. The Riches of the Covenant, or a Short View of the Exceeding Great and Precious Promises
    28. 约中之丰富,或极大宝贵应许的简述
    29. Triumph in the Covenant
    30. 约中的得胜
    31. To the Unconverted—With a Form of Covenanting With God
    32. 致未归信者——与神立约的形式
    33. To God’s Covenant People
    34. 致神的约民
    35. Directions for the Right Performance of the Duty of Prayer
    36. 正确履行祷告职责的指引