
《压伤的芦苇和将残的灯火》理查德·薛伯斯著 The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax by Richard Sibbes

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    There is no better introduction to the Puritans than the writings of Richard Sibbes, who is, in many ways, a typical Puritan.
    没有比理查德·西贝斯(Richard Sibbes)的著作更好的清教徒入门读物了,他在很多方面都是一位典型的清教徒。

    Sibbes never wastes the student's time,' wrote C. H. Spurgeon,he scatters pearls and diamonds with both hands.’
    司布真(C. H. Spurgeon)写道:”西贝斯从不浪费学生的时间,他双手散播珍珠和钻石。”


    Since its first publication in 1630, The Bruised Reed has been remarkably fruitful as a source of spiritual help and comfort.
    自1630年首次出版以来,《压伤的芦苇》(The Bruised Reed)作为一本提供属灵帮助和安慰的著作,已结出了丰硕的果实。

    Richard Baxter records: `A poor peddler came to the door . . . and my father bought of him Sibbe’s Bruised Reed . . . It suited my state . . . and gave me a livelier apprehension of the mystery of redemption and how much I was beholden to Jesus Christ . . . Without any means but books was God pleased to resolve me to himself.’

    Such testimonies could be multiplied.

    Speaking of the preacher’s need to suit his reading to the varying conditions he finds within, Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones says in his Preaching and Preachers:

    You will find, I think, in general that the Puritans are almost invariably helpful . . . I shall never cease to be grateful to one of them called Richard Sibbes who was balm to my soul at a period in my life when I was overworked and badly overtired, and therefore subject in an unusual manner to the onslaughts of the devil.

    In that state and condition . . . what you need is some gentle, tender treatment for your soul. I found at that time that Richard Sibbes, who was known in London in the early seventeenth century as `the heavenly Doctor Sibbes’, was an unfailing remedy. His books The Bruised Reed and The Soul’s Conflict quietened, soothed, comforted, encouraged and healed me.

    The prophet Isaiah, being lifted up and carried with the wing of a prophetical spirit, passes over all the time between him and the appearing of Jesus Christ in the flesh.

    Seeing with the eye of prophecy, and with the eye of faith, Christ as present, he presents him, in the name of God, to the spiritual eye of others, in these words:

    `Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.

    He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.

    A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth’ (Isa. 42:1 3).

    These words are alleged by Matthew as fulfilled now in Christ (Matt. 12:18 20).

    In them are propounded, first, the calling of Christ to his office; secondly, the manner in which he carries it out.

    Table of Contents



    CHAPTER I.— What the Reed is, and what the Bruising
    第一章 – 芦苇是什么,压伤是什么

    CHAPTER II.—Those that Christ hath to do withal are Bruised
    第二章 – 基督所要处理的人都是受压伤的

    CHAPTER III.—Christ will not Break the Bruised Reed
    第三章 – 基督不折断压伤的芦苇

    CHAPTER IV.—Signs of one truly bruised.—Means and measure of bruising, and comfort to such.
    第四章 – 真正受压伤者的征兆 – 压伤的方式和程度,以及对这些人的安慰

    CHAPTER V.—Grace is little at first.
    第五章 – 恩典初始时是微小的

    CHAPTER VI.—Grace is mingled with Corruption
    第六章 – 恩典与败坏混杂

    CHAPTER VII.—Christ will not quench small and weak beginnings
    第七章 – 基督不熄灭微小和软弱的开端

    CHAPTER VIII.—Tenderness required in ministers toward young beginners
    第八章 – 牧师对初信者需要温柔

    CHAPTER IX.—Governors should be tender of weak ones, and also private Christians
    第九章 – 管理者应当温柔对待软弱的人,私人基督徒也应如此

    CHAPTER X.—Rules to try whether we be such as Christ will not quench
    第十章 – 试验我们是否属于基督不会熄灭之人的准则

    CHAPTER XI.—Signs of smoking flax which Christ will not quench
    第十一章 – 基督不熄灭的将残的灯火的征兆

    CHAPTER XII.—Scruples hindering comfort removed
    第十二章 – 消除阻碍安慰的顾虑

    CHAPTER XIII.—Set upon Duties notwithstanding Weaknesses
    第十三章 – 尽管有软弱仍要履行责任

    CHAPTER XIV.—The Case of Indisposition Resolved, and Discouragements
    第十四章 – 解决不适之情况,及灰心丧气

    CHAPTER XV.—Of infirmities. No cause of discouragement. In whom they are. And how to recover peace lost
    第十五章 – 论软弱。不应灰心的原因。软弱存在于谁。以及如何恢复失去的平安

    CHAPTER XVI.—Satan not to be believed, as he representeth Christ unto us.
    第十六章 – 不要相信撒但,因为他歪曲基督给我们看

    CHAPTER XVII.—Reproof of such as sin against this merciful disposition in Christ. Of quenching the Spirit
    第十七章 – 责备那些违背基督怜悯性情的人。论消灭圣灵

    CHAPTER XVIII.—Of Christ’s judgment in us, and his victory, what it is.
    第十八章 – 论基督在我们里面的判断,和他的胜利是什么

    CHAPTER XIX.—Christ is so mild that yet he will govern those that enjoy the comfort of his mildness.
    第十九章 – 基督如此温柔,但他仍要管理那些享受他温柔安慰的人

    CHAPTER XX.—The spiritual government of Christ is joined with judgment and wisdom
    第二十章 – 基督的属灵治理与判断和智慧相连

    CHAPTER XXI.—Where true wisdom and judgment is, there Christ sets up his government
    第二十一章 – 在有真智慧和判断之处,基督建立他的治理

    CHAPTER XXII.—Christ’s government is victorious
    第二十二章 – 基督的治理是得胜的

    CHAPTER XXIII.—Means to make Grace victorious
    第二十三章 – 使恩典得胜的方法

    CHAPTER XXIV.—All should side with Christ.
    第二十四章 – 所有人都应站在基督一边

    CHAPTER XXV.—Christ’s government shall be openly victorious
    第二十五章 – 基督的治理将公开得胜

    CHAPTER XXVI.—Christ alone advanceth this government
    第二十六章 – 唯有基督推进这治理

    CHAPTER XXVII.—Victory not to be had without fighting
    第二十七章 – 没有争战就没有胜利

    CHAPTER XXVIII.—Be encouraged to go on cheerfully, with confidence of prevailing
    第二十八章 – 要欢喜前进,确信必得胜