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This is the unabridged version of this text, taken from the first part of Flavel’s The Fountain of Life.

The excelling glory of Jesus Christ dazzles all apprehension, swallows up all expression.
When we have borrowed metaphors from every creature that has any excellency or lovely property in it, until we have stripped the whole creation bare of all its ornaments, and clothed Christ with all that glory; when we have even worn out our tongues, in ascribing praises to him, alas! we have done nothing, when all is done.
Yes, woe is me! how do I every day behold reasonable souls most unreasonably disaffected to my lovely Lord Jesus! denying love to One, who is able to compel love from the stoniest heart!
yes, though they can never make so much of their love (would they set it to sale) as Christ bids for it.
It is horrid and amazing to see how the minds of many are captivated and ensnared by every silly trifle; and how others can indifferently turn them with a kind of spontaneity to this object, or to that (as their fancy strikes) among the whole universe of beings, and scarce ever reluctate, recoil, or nauseate, until they be persuaded to Christ.
In their unconverted state, it is as easy to melt the obdurate rocks into sweet syrup, as their hearts into divine love.
How do the great men of the world ambitiously court the honors and pleasures of it?
The merchants of the earth trade, and strive for the dear-bought treasures of it; while the price of Christ (alas! ever too low) falls every day lower and lower upon the exchange of this world!
I speak it as a sad truth, if there were no quicker a trade (as dead as they say it is) for the perishing treasures of the earth, than there is for Christ this day in England, the exchange would quickly be shut up, and all the trading companies dissolved.
Dear Sir, Christ is the peerless pearl hid in the field, Mat. 13:46.
Will you be that wise merchant, that resolves to win and compass that treasure, whatever it shall cost you?
Ah, Sir, Christ is a commodity that can never be bought too dear.
My dear kinsman, my flesh, and my blood; my soul thirsts for your salvation, and the salvation of your family.
Shall you and I resolve with good Joshua that whatever others do, “we and our families will serve the Lord;” that we will walk as the redeemed by his blood, showing forth his virtues and praises in the world?
that as God has made us one in name, and one in affection, so we may be one in Christ, that it may be said of us, as it was of Austin and Alippous long ago, that they were glued together by the blood of Christ.
For my own part, I have given in my name to him long since; woe to me, if I have not given in my heart also; for, should I deceive myself in so deep a point as that, how would my profession as a Christian, my calling as a minister, yea, these very sermons now in your hands, rise in judgment to condemn me? which God forbid.
And doubtless, Sir, your eyes have seen both the vanity of all creatures, and the necessity and infinite worth of Christ.
You cannot forget what a vanity the world appeared to you, when in the year 1668, you were summoned by the messengers of death (as you and all that were about you then apprehended) to shoot the gulf of vast eternity, when a malignant fever and pleurisy (whereof your physician has given an account to the world) did shake the whole frame of the tabernacle wherein your soul through mercy yet dwells; and long may it dwell there, for the service and praise of your great Deliverer.
I hope you have not, nor ever will forget how vain the world appeared to your eye, when you looked back (as it were over your shoulder) and saw how it shrunk away from you; nor will you ever forget the awful apprehensions of eternity that then seized your spirit, or the value you then had for Christ; which things, I hope, still do, and ever will remain with you.
And for you, dear cousin, as it becomes a daughter of Sarah, let your soul be adorned with the excellencies of Christ, and beauties of holiness.
A king from heaven makes suit for your love; if he espouse your soul now he will fetch it home to himself at death in his chariot of salvation; and great shall be your joy, when the marriage of the Lamb is come.
Look often upon Christ in this glass; he is fairer than the children of men.
View him believingly, and you cannot but like and love him.
Table of Contents
To the Christian Reader
Sermon 1. The Excellency of the Subject.
讲道1. 主题的卓越性。
Sermon 2. Christ in his essential and primeval Glory.
讲道2. 基督的本质和原始荣耀。
Sermon 3. The Covenant of Redemption between the Father and the Redeemer.
讲道3. 父与救赎主之间的救赎之约。
Sermon 4. The Amazing Love of God in Giving His Own Son for Us.
讲道4. 上帝赐下自己的儿子为我们的奇妙之爱。
Sermon 5. Christ’s Wonderful Person.
讲道5. 基督奇妙的位格。
Sermon 6. The Authority by which Christ, as Mediator, Acted.
讲道6. 基督作为中保行事的权柄。
Sermon 7. The Solemn Consecration of the Mediator.
讲道7. 中保的庄严奉献。
Sermon 8. The Nature of Christ’s Mediation.
讲道8. 基督中保工作的本质。
Sermon 9. The first Branch of Christ’s Prophetic Office, consisting in the Revelation of the Will of God.
讲道9. 基督先知职分的第一个分支,包含上帝旨意的启示。
Sermon 10. The Second Branch of Christ’s Prophetical Office, consisting in the Illumination of the Understanding.
讲道10. 基督先知职分的第二个分支,包含对理解力的启迪。
Sermon 11. The Nature and necessity of the Priesthood of Christ.
讲道11. 基督祭司职分的本质和必要性。
Sermon 12. The Excellency of our High-Priest’s Oblation, being the first Act or Part of His Priestly Office.
讲道12. 我们大祭司献祭的卓越性,作为其祭司职分的第一个行为或部分。
Sermon 13. The Intercession of Christ our High-priest, being the second Act or Part of his Priestly Office.
讲道13. 我们的大祭司基督的代求,作为其祭司职分的第二个行为或部分。
Sermon 14. A Vindication of the Satisfaction of Christ, as the first Effect or Fruit of his Priesthood.
讲道14. 对基督满足的辩护,作为其祭司职分的第一个效果或果实。
Sermon 15. The blessed Inheritance purchased by the Oblation of Christ, being the second Effect or Fruit of his Priesthood.
讲道15. 基督献祭所购买的蒙福产业,作为其祭司职分的第二个效果或果实。
Sermon 16. The Kingly Office of Christ, as it is executed spiritually upon the Souls of the Redeemed.
讲道16. 基督的君王职分,如何在被救赎者的灵魂中属灵地执行。
Sermon 17. The Kingly Office of Christ, as it is providentially executed in the World, for the Redeemed.
讲道17. 基督的君王职分,如何在世界中为被救赎者以护理方式执行。