
Christ the Fountain of Life (eBook)基督是生命的泉源(电子书)

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    BY JOHN COTTON 约翰·科顿

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    This text has been initially updated from EEBO-TCP by Project Puritas (Logan West, with David Jonescue and Alex Sarrouf.) www.puritansearch.org. Further revision and editing done by Monergism. Copyright Monergism via universal text usage permission from the above.该文本最初由 Project Puritas(Logan West,David Jonescue 和 Alex Sarrouf)从 EEBO-TCP 进行了更新。www.puritansearch.org。Monergism 进行了进一步的修订和编辑。版权归 Monergism 所有,通过上述方式获得通用文本使用许可。

    Or, Sundry Choice Sermons on part of the fifth Chapter of the first Epistle of St. John.

    He that hath the Son, hath life, and he that hath not the Son, hath not life. – 1 John 5.12有子的人有生命,没有子的人没有生命。- 约翰一书 5.12

    These words contain the Third part of the record that God bare of his Son, to whom this eternal life is communicated, and that is to all such, as to whom the Son is communicated; amplified by the contrary, He that hath not the Son, hath not life.

    Doctrine According to, or upon our having, or not having of Christ, depends our having or not having of life.

    The note is of special weight in our Christian experience, and therefore let us take so much the more care in opening of it; He that findeth me (which is all one with, he that hath me) he hath life, Prov. 8.34. but he that is estranged from me, he loveth death, ver. 36. So that, find Christ, and find life. Find him not, but be estranged from him, and find death. So, Eph. 2.12. In times past ye were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel, strangers from the Covenant of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world, and Eph. 4.18.19. There he speaks of some that were alienated from the life of God; but in ver. 20. Ye have not so learned Christ, if so be you have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus.
    这个笔记在我们基督徒的经历中具有特殊的重要性,因此让我们在打开它时更加小心;找到我的人(与拥有我的人是一样的)就拥有生命,箴言 8.34。但是与我疏远的人,他爱死亡,箴言 8.36。所以,找到基督,就找到了生命。找不到他,与他疏远,就找到了死亡。因此,以弗所书 2.12。从前你们在基督以外,与以色列国隔绝,在应许的约上是外人,在世上没有指望,没有神,以弗所书 4.18.19。在那里,他谈到了一些与神的生命疏远的人;但在第 20 节中,你们并不是这样学了基督,如果你们是按照他在耶稣里的真理所教导的。


    Table of Contents 目录

    SERMON I. – 1 JOHN 5.12. 
    讲道一:约翰一书 5:12。

    SERMON II. – 1 JOHN 5.12.
    讲道二 – 约翰一书 5:12

    SERMON III. – 1 JOHN 5.12.
    讲道三 – 约翰一书 5.12。

    SERMON IV. – 1 JOHN 5.12.
    讲道第四篇 – 约翰一书 5:12。

    SERMON V. – 1 JOHN 5.12.
    讲道五 – 约翰一书 5:12

    SERMON VI. – 1 JOHN 5.12.
    讲道第六篇 – 约翰一书 5:12

    SERMON VII. – 1 JOHN 5.12.
    讲道第七篇 – 约翰一书 5:12。

    SERMON VIII. – 1 JOHN 5.12.
    讲道第八篇 – 约翰一书 5.12。

    SERMON IX. – 1 JOHN 5.12.
    讲道九 – 约翰一书 5.12。

    SERMON X. – 1 JOHN 5.12.
    讲道十 – 约翰一书 5:12

    SERMON XI. – 1 JOHN 5.12.
    讲道十一 – 约翰一书 5:12

    SERMON XII. – 1 John 5.13.
    第十二讲道 – 约翰一书 5:13

    SERMON XIII. – 1 JOHN 5.13.
    讲道十三 – 约翰一书 5.13。

    SERMON XIV. – 1 JOHN 5.14, 15.
    讲道十四:约翰一书 5:14,15。

    SERMON XV. – 1 JOHN 5.14, 15.
    讲道十五:约翰一书 5:14,15。

    SERMON XVI. – 1 JOHN 5.16, 17.
    讲道十六 – 约翰一书 5.16,17。